So, after the transmission job had a moth fly out of my wallet, I’m hoping you guys can help me with some quality advice.
Here’s where I am with my car:
Needs new radiator
Needs new carb or carb rebuild
New muffler/ maybe exhaust
Rides like a truck (though handles amazingly just not comfy on bumps at all) (also body bushing shot I can feel the body and the subframe move seperately)
Body work… save that for last
Any advice for doing these things affordably or easily besides junkyarding parts is appreciated. I’m 20 now and though I did work for a time at a mechanics shop, I know fuel injection and sensors far more than I know carbuerators and chokes.
I guess any advice or tips you can give a young guy is appreciated. It may help me decide what else to fix. Carb getting done first then radiator