Too Much Rain

Should have some relevance, especially political, or it needs the dropped in out of left field. "So demented Joe and Crazy Bernie walk into a bar"
There was no mention of weather, rain, clouds, area of the country, only 4" and 2 disapproved of candidates. How the hell is that a joke? I was messing with you when I said you lost your sense of humor, but ?

The only funny part of it is the mental picture of Davea thinking " I'll just lob this in here and see what happens"
I guess it worked. Now I laughed a little.

If that is your thinking Then nothing else can be said about it I guess.
Its even worse here lately in Kalifornia Chris, nothing but continuous rain for weeks at a time now - and something I have never seen in my almost 70 years of living here - snow in the mountains behind me in nearly the middle of March! Something is this is the second year in a row........................

and the problem of erosion from all the fires
Just got another inch and a half of rain in the last hour. 5 inches this week!