Tranny strange issue


Active Member
Dec 18, 2013
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I'm finishing the swap of my 727 for an A518 but now I've a problem.

I've to take apart the tranny pump to replace a bad input shaft bushing and also had to replace the input seal, I assembly again the pump and tranny and everything looks fine but as soon as I started the car in neutral there was a HUGE leak from the front of the transmission.

I removed the tranny again but everything seems to be fine, the seal is in place and there's no visible leak from the pump gasket.

I'm using the dipstick of my 727 and I think the fluid level was fine, maybe a little bit high but I don't know if a bit high is enough to have this kind of leak


EDIT: Another issue with the tranny is happening: link
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Did you fill it before you started it? if so, how many quarts? Was the converter dry or full?
Did you fill it before you started it? if so, how many quarts? Was the converter dry or full?
The converter was empty but I put 1 quart on it before installing, I put 4 quartin the tranny before start the engine, once started put it in neutral and then added two additional quarters before I start seeing the leak

Could it be oil pump vent hole? Too much oil.
Transmission leak from the front bell housing 727 question
Or worst case scenarion, housing/oil pump is cracked somewhere
I hope is the vent hole, the pump has a very tiny crack, like the size of a hair so I covered it and today when I removed the tranny i didn't notice any fluid coming out of it
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Today reinstalled the tranny filled it again and no leaks!!!

But now another issue more strange, looks like the tranny is stuck in park because I can't move the rear tires with hand and If i shift into any gear and rev the engine the tires wouldn't turn, I know the pump is working because I removed one of the cooling lines , started car and a lot of fluid started coming immediately

I don't know what should I check, a friend told me to remove and reinstall the valve body because it will release the parking pawl but I don't know if that's the issue

If the parking pawl is stuck, when I rev the engine, does the car shouldn't try to spin tires?