WELLLL.It's Monday and my plumbing has started working again, ALL IZ GOOD. happyface! I made the 450 miles back to Chelsea in just under 7 hourz! Might ah made it a tad quicker but I had to stop to add fuel and that Porsche Cheyanne that'd been playin' leap frog with me kept on goin'? Bob, sorry I missed yeah and that you ran out of battery, Great pix tho' guy, hope we can remody the hook up thing next year. Mark,Dave,Chris, and Will, Big John. For what it's worth I went and ditched the Amego and came back with the 48 qt. cooler full of St. Pauli in the Batwagon and the canopez were dropped and the place looked like ah ghost town. Mark, you made a trip back just to shake hands. My pleasure Man, see yeah next year. And oh yeah, 5 of us 300 guyz did dine at the Itialian joint Saturday nite! Prime Rib and Cabernet waz out standing. No clue what the bill waz 'cuz one of the Car-Budz grabbed the little folder and stuck hiz VICA in it? Dave, I enjoyed meeting you and your Family. Your Wife ,Daughter, And Son are all keeperz. Keep an eye on that Boy tho'. He'z ah tad young for his loins to be screaming that loud! Chris. Hope to see you again next year so we can bench race way longer. Now you know why I say that Carlisle makes the Mopar Nats look like Tuesday nite at Wendys by comparison. Will, You and your friend are both very gracious and the pleasurez on this end meeting you both. Glad you got to take a peek at the Beast. Big John. Every time I returned the your Vert the easy chairz were empty. Kinda like me too I guess, SO MUCH TO SEE AND SO LITTLE TIME. AH, We've got the rest of our livez rite? I'll start collecting beer canz tomorrow off the hiway to have enough $ and do the best I can to be there next July. See Yall' and thumbz up guyz, Jer