User Handles - Who are you and where did your handle come from

Ok, so here is my story about how I got my "handle". Upon the arrival from my internal happy place, I caused my mother to have some shall we say problems. She was out for more than 3 days and my father couldn't remember how to spell my name. His mother was "Marion" but he knew it had an "a" somewhere in there. Hence, Marian instead of Marianne (the a's should be pronounced as "ah) Magdalena "surname". Oh, well...until the day he died he sometimes spelled my name Marion. It's all good.

I used to date a woman named Marian a long time ago.
Ok, so here is my story about how I got my "handle". Upon the arrival from my internal happy place, I caused my mother to have some shall we say problems. She was out for more than 3 days and my father couldn't remember how to spell my name. His mother was "Marion" but he knew it had an "a" somewhere in there. Hence, Marian instead of Marianne (the a's should be pronounced as "ah) Magdalena "surname". Oh, well...until the day he died he sometimes spelled my name Marion. It's all good.


I always wondered if it had something to do with this. :)

Zymurgy. Definition is the art and science of fermentation as in brewing beer. I have been a homebrewer since 1995. Zymurgy is also the name of the magazine of the American Homebrewers Association. I have a personal license plate with ZYMURGY and got it the first day Ohio went to 7 character. I have met several homebrewers who said, "You are the guy with the plate I wanted". It is my handle on most sites, if available.
Well, my call sign in the Army was Combat Bob or CB for short... I was given that handle early on in my career. I couldn't think of anything when I joined FCBO and I wanted to tone it down a notch so I just went with 1978 NYB.


Pretty simple with mine as well.. Use it on the c body/mopar sites. Countrybunker is my main name on all my other acounts and such. Being a bit of a country boy, and is also one of my favorite scenes in the bluesbrothers movie (Bob's country bunker). I used it first years ago on the blumo forum, and its stuck since...
Stormer = hail storm chaser. I settle property damage claims for construction companies.
Stormer = hail storm chaser. I settle property damage claims for construction companies.
And I was a provider of manpower resources required in the distribution logistics of the transfer in mission critical goods between distributer and retailer.
I preferred truck driver....
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Many can probably figure mine out: MCMLVII=1957. Not very unique, but I've used it for years and it was a good year for cars (among other things). Mom and Dad bought the one below new. Photo's from the early 60s. I'm the short one...
Many can probably figure mine out: MCMLVII=1957. Not very unique, but I've used it for years and it was a good year for cars (among other things). Mom and Dad bought the one below new. Photo's from the early 60s. I'm the short one...

Wow stunning picture. Simply beautiful Americana.
Thanks - and I haven't seen you 'splain the Catfish moniker yet............:icon_scratch: