Planetary system TOI 700 has been now determined to have TWO
earth-sized planets (of five total found so far) IN the "habitable zone" around their sun. They found
TOI 700 e. This system is
100 light years away from us.
NASA’s TESS Discovers Planetary System’s Second Earth-Size World
The habitable zone (or "Goldilocks" zone) means the planet's orbit around its sun results in temperatures ON the planet where liquid water could exist ON the surface.
Earth is in our Sun's habitable zone.
By contrast, Mercury and Venus are TOO close to the Sun so any water there evaporated/burned off a long time ago. Venus has another issue .. runaway greenhouse effect means its 900 degrees F on the surface. No liquid water there on the surface anyway.
Mars on the other hand, while on the
outer edge of the Sun's habitable zone, currently has insufficient atmosphere (like our moon in that regard) to hold its water in liquid form on the surface.
Mars has ice on it, but some billion's of years ago it liquid water
once flowed there. We have proved that with the machines we have crawling/flying around.
TOI 700 star is a red dwarf. about 1/3 size and 2/3 the surface temp of our Sun. that means, generally speaking, its planets could be closer to that sun than our Sun - and still be in THAT sun's Goldilocks zone.
TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) found the first Earth-sized planet around TOI 700
(TOI 700 a).
Basically it works by measuring the dimming (like the old Kepler telescope) of a sun's light when one of its orbiting planets passes by. The planet dims the star light very slightly but TESS can measure the dimming. Obviously TESS needs line-of-sight to work.
Moral of the story so far. There's billions of planets in THIS galaxy alone. And there are billions/maybe trillions of galaxies in the Universe.
Is the only place there's life like us on THIS rock we live on? The numbers say that's highly, highly, highly unlikely. There may be a billion planets in habitable zones around
their suns, with liquid water on the surface, just in THIS galaxy.
But life
like us? That still could happen. Maybe not.
Or, they may show up here one day in their spaceships (if they haven't already visited) and turn us into hamburger for their dinner tables.
One day maybe we'll get ET's phone call. IF the call came from TOI 700 system, and arrived
today, it would be 100 years for our reply to get to them. Better get some folks working on "warp drive".