Again, this is one of the reasons why "Jimbo" is parked out at L2 doing its thing.
You can nerd out at the link.
Recall, we have been trying to figure out how we got here .. using science (chemistry, physics, gravity, etc.,) .. for a few thousand years. Not going to get into any debate on that as people differ on how it all happened.
One scientific explanation is stars formed under gravity, lit up, matured, some of particular mass exploded in supernovae, and blasted out materials (inc. heavy elements) into interstellar space.
New stars formed outta the dust, the remaining dust circled these new stars and formed flattish "disks"
Some of the materials/elements were part of the new sun, some of it clumped in the disks and made it into planets and their atmospheres, and then in any lifeforms ON such planets.
Thats why we have iron in our blood, calcium in our bones, etc ... made in some star(s) belly billions of years ago.
These "proto-solar systems" were/are ALL over the Universe. Webb's capabilities now are allowing determination of temperatures and densities, in addition to
unprecedented spectral identification (e.g., water, CO2, benzene, etc.,), of the chemistry in the dust is disks, and just floating in space between the stars. This is new information for us.
With this new info, the space kids can get closer and closer to explaining in much greater detail things that they ONLY speculated about before.
Like we predicted black holes using math, THEN finally
proved their existence with imaging ...
100 years later.
Webb is observing the solar-system forming process as it happened millions/billions of years ago, depending on how far away the things are from us.
Maybe some aliens, right this minute their time, 5-6 billion LY from us, are using THEIR Webb stuff to study what THIS solar system was like when IT was a planetary disk with a baby sun and no planets yet ..
let alone lifeforms like us that are able to put OUR equipment up there, that might be looking at THEM -- before THEY became THEM!
That would be a hoot .. and neither of us would even know the other civilization exists.
We are TOO far away from each other with no way to span that unimaginaable distance .. unless that's what these UFO's (to us) are buzzing around here doing...."phoning home" about us.
artist's conception below (Webb's good, but it CANT image a "molecule"

) of a planetary disk with a baby sun and a dust ring (the orange stuff in the illustration) in orbit around it .. no planets yet though.
James Webb Space Telescope reveals rich chemistry of planet-forming disks for the 1st time
excerpt from link:
"The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST or Webb) has unveiled an assortment of chemical compounds embedded in the disks of gas and dust surrounding three low-mass stars that are about five to 10 times less massive than the sun.
The "chemically diverse" compounds that Webb spotted include organic molecules like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, acetylene and first detections of benzene, as well as the life-friendly water.
The stars studied by Webb are only a few million years old, which means the chemicals spotted by the telescope will ultimately be inherited by planets and their atmospheres that will form in these cosmic nurseries, astronomers say."