WANTED: pics of 69 chrylser 300 convertibles. Dead or Alive!

Heres one that I saw at the 2006 annual meet of the Walter P Chrysler Club in Williamsburg, Virginia.


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A new one for me!

Marten Carlsson posts thousands of car show pictures on his Facebook page, from shows he attends in Sweden. Most are pictures of 50's and 60's American cars including lots of Mopars (mostly of the "extra large" variety and many with fins). He just posted these pictures of a 69 300 convertible.

Thanks. Never saw this car before!
That is a bunch of beautiful cars! Do you have any other pictures of this meet?
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I know its not a 69, but this 70 300 vert belongs to a guy I know. I love the blue on blue color (with white top) on this body style.



Looks like a decent turnout. If that were here it would be all E and A bodies

The Walter P Chrysler Club has their National Meet in a different city each year. Only club members can put their cars in the show. I think theres alot more C-bodies in the WPC club than E-bodies, so its not likely that many E-bodies would be at any of their National events.
The Walter P Chrysler Club has their National Meet in a different city each year. Only club members can put their cars in the show. I think theres alot more C-bodies in the WPC club than E-bodies, so its not likely that many E-bodies would be at any of their National events.

Got it............makes sense.

Still, in jersey very few C's
Don't know where this year's WPC Club National Meet is. I haven't been a member for years.
Sorry about getting off topic. Lets see if I can help redirect.

First two pictures from SAIC (Special Interest Auto Club for AAR's and T/As) show at Fort Hunt Park, in Alexandria, Virginia in 1992.
Next up, are two pictures from Mopar Nationals in Columbus Ohio in 1990, I believe.
After that, are a couple of blue 69's from the 07 or 08 Chrysler show at Carlisle.
The last few pictures are from the 1985 Mopar Nationals at the Chrysler Proving Grounds in Chelsea, Michigan.
Its hard to tell in my old photos taken with a Kodak Disc camera, but the one with the Ohio plates at the 1985 Mopar Nats was painted a non-metallic powder blue.










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Heres a few more. The red one with the white top in the first photo was at the Mopar Nationals in 1992. The same car appears again in three photos at the 94 Mopar Nationals when it was the Giveaway car for the show. As I recall, the organizers plans fell through for whatever giveaway car they had in mind. The red 300 vert was obtained at the last minute from a relative of one of the organizers so there would be a car to give away for the drawing at the end of the show. The two grainy pictures (2n'd and 3rd photos) I took in the car corral at Fall Carlisle in about 1984 or so. The red one with white interior and the top down parked between a Superbird and a red 67 Polara convertible was at the Mopar Nationals in Columbus, Ohio some time in the 90's. The last one is a 70 I photographed at the Chrysler show at Carlisle. Its not a 69, but doesn't it look good in that dark silver color? Oops...off topic again.








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I labeled most of my old photo albums. As long as I put the pictures back in the right albums after I scan them, I'm good.

I started doing that myself. I have an external hard drive that I use for storing pictures only. That way I can name the files and find what I'm looking for relatively easy (easier).

You have a super amazing collection of pictures of some great cars. Thanks for sharing.