WANTED: pics of 69 chrylser 300 convertibles. Dead or Alive!

This is a stone barn built in the late teens to the early twenties, it was over 100 feet long originally, but due to a fire, the remainder of the south half was removed and the foundation of that portion was used as a corral. When I was a kid I always enjoyed throwing hay out of the loft to the cattle in the wintertime.

This would be off topic.

BTW, Thanks Jim for all the pictures, much appreciated.

1983 (3).jpg
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I think my favorite was the red one that someone won at the 94 Mopar Nats. Did anyone recognize it and know who has it now? Really wish I could have won it. I would love to have that barn too. It could have held a few 300 verts.
Very nice barn! Do you have anything parked in it we haven't seen yet?

This is a stone barn built in the late teens to the early twenties, it was over 100 feet long originally, but due to a fire, the remainder of the south half was removed and the foundation of that portion was used as a corral. When I was a kid I always enjoyed throwing hay out of the loft to the cattle in the wintertime.

WOW....! Great barn, Whats that white stuff all over the place.....?
I know, the off topic thing...I'm still curious of what might be in the barn.
I could tell you that I keep a '69 300 in there to return this thread back to topic, but the last things in the barn were just some of these....

1986 (2).jpg
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(To answer a previous question, the white stuff is snow)

I am curious after seeing all the pictures... What was the convertible production total for the '69 300?

I believe the '68 production was around 2,700.
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See, the barn does have horsepower we haven't seen before.

See, the barn does have horsepower we haven't seen before.


You are only allowed to reply if you attach a picture of one or more 69 Chrysler 300 convertibles. This topic is very serious and no playground:nono:.

If you want to chat about barns and horses please make a new thread elsewhere.:director:

You are only allowed to reply if you attach a picture of one or more 69 Chrysler 300 convertibles. This topic is very serious and no playground:nono:.

If you want to chat about barns and horses please make a new thread elsewhere.:director:


You're a FCBO director now????

Lighten up!!!!!
Off..... and on topic

But this IS a playground..... Isn't it.....? Please tell me it is.

Ohhhhhh just to keep on topic.... 1969 300 convertible production was 1933 cars......
69Chrysler300 is the thread originator so....

So :worthless_thread: of 69 Chrysler 300 convertibles.
The powder blue is a strange color for one of these. Was that a stock 69 Chrysler color? If not, I would guess that it could be the same one I post pics of from the 1985 Mopar Nats, even though that one had Ohio tags and didn't have fender skirts.
I'm guessing these fender skirts were borrowed off an Imperial of about the same vintage. Never seen one of these with skirts. Looks much better without them. What makes you think it could be a clone? Except for the skirts, everything looks to be in place for a 69 300.

The 69 brochure shows the 300 convertible with the "recall" wheels. Anyone ever seen one of these with the Kelsey Hayes "recall" wheels?

edit: No I guess not. I just flipped back a couple pages for a look. The other one didn't have the optional cornering lights and the other one had black interior. I guess that was probably a factory color for 69 Chryslers.
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Rare 69 chrysler option: M45 fender skirts....?

The powder blue is a strange color for one of these. Was that a stock 69 Chrysler color? If not, I would guess that it could be the same one I post pics of from the 1985 Mopar Nats, even though that one had Ohio tags and didn't have fender skirts.
I'm guessing these fender skirts were borrowed off an Imperial of about the same vintage. Never seen one of these with skirts. Looks much better without them. What makes you think it could be a clone? Except for the skirts, everything looks to be in place for a 69 300.

The 69 brochure shows the 300 convertible with the "recall" wheels. Anyone ever seen one of these with the Kelsey Hayes "recall" wheels?

edit: No I guess not. I just flipped back a couple pages for a look. The other one didn't have the optional cornering lights and the other one had black interior. I guess that was probably a factory color for 69 Chryslers.

Yes I thought it is a clone because of imperial look a like fender skirts. But after quick research it seems to be a very rare option 'M45 fender skirts' for a 69 chrysler 300. I never seen this option before.

The color is not original in my opinion. The only original light blue color I know is Bahama blue metallic. This is lighter and certainly no metallic. It's more baby blue... If you look at the engine bay it looks like its original? On the other hand I miss the blue color on the fire wall? It could be a special paint code. I unfortunately do not have a picture of the fender tag or production sheet.

Who can help us out about the color and fender skirts. Original yes or no?

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