What happened to you Us people ?

Meanwhile in Canada, our liberal prime minister is trying to create a program to re-integrate those nice folks who have left the country to join isis and want to come back.


In France, - never says never - the minister of justice said that i would be great if every traitor may be killed in irak.
And the general feeling in population is the same.
Let me get this straight, ICE supposedly let this guy back and forth over the border multiple times and now blames San Francisco? Give me a break. It's called CYA. And peeps here want a dear leader to tell us how many kids to have and take action against local governments that resist federal overreach? What does the political "right" even stand for these days? This seems like an angry lynch mob. A tragedy occurred and a brown illegal immigrant was the cause so let's throw him in a cell with a lonely 6'8" guy so "justice" is served. Check your principles at the door. We should throw the illegals that recently beat a border patrol agent to death with rocks in the same cell. Oh wait, he actually got hit by a truck.
You may not like some of the harsh tactics being proposed but it would be nice to hear your ideas. IMHO your president has started out in the right direction by rolling up the welcome mat at the Mexican border. Recent stats by your border services seem to validate the approach. Unfortunately political push back by the left and traitors in his own party is making further progress on DACA and the Wall difficult. Sadly it may only be additional tragedies like this example that will generate the political will to make needed changes.
Southwest Border Migration | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Don't you have enough problems in YOUR own country without worrying about what's going on in ours? Just go away!

I actually think it's pretty interesting to hear what those in Europe have to say, one of the main reasons being (my understanding is that) most of their news reporting leans just as left as our own, but with no such thing as "talk radio", and such grass-roots local communications. Having done without that for a couple generations, even something like the Internet is irrelevant if the ideas of borders, language and culture have been absent the whole time. That's why when you DO see a European who hasn't been shamed into anger against their own culture, it often manifests as kooky-Nazi-skinhead extremism.

Americans are spoon-fed a diet by the MSM that the rest of the world hates us for electing a nationalist, thus I enjoy evidence to the contrary.
Meanwhile in Canada, our liberal prime minister is trying to create a program to re-integrate those nice folks who have left the country to join isis and want to come back.
Bizarre! I read the Qur'an cover to cover. At least 7 times, it claims to be word that God/Allah gave directly to Muhammad. I counted 25 commands for fighting. 35 portrayals of God as violent. 130 different quotes saying only believers are going to heaven/non-believers going to hell. Islamic Fundamentalists are violent because they are following Islam's highest law and supposedly the example of Allah. They are intolerant because approximately once every 3 pages, their highest law pounds into them the idea that non-believers aren't good enough. If they are already linked to ISIS, such that they are radical Islamic fundamentalists, they should not be let back in the country, except to be tried for crimes against humanity and jailed for life.
I'd recommend to anyone interested in the topic to dig into who was behind the Immigration and Nationality Act and what were their motivations.
The answer is as plain as the NOSE on your face.
No different in any other Western (White) nation, but if you point out that a certain race of people schemed to bring about such radical and harmful policies, you'd be accused of being 'racist'.
How can anyone possibly believe that the USA, the UK, France and the other nations involved in ganging up on Germany were the real victors in the mess we call WW2? :BangHead:
Didn't / doesn't China do it? Two kids, three tops .

Seeing six kids with one on the hip of a welfare recipient on the six o clock news voicing her opinion of how Uncle Sam needs to step up rubs me slightly the wrong way.

Stop the Obama phones, Section 8 housing, free health care, food stamps and all the other government aided bullshit that they didn't earn! Stop it now!!!

The only thing that I agree about is the free breakfast and lunch for students. Can't expect kids to be able to concentrate and be productive and learn anything in school if they are hungry because their F'ed up so called parents aren't taking care of them and feeding them.
I used to walk home for lunch, you were allowed to leave the school grounds. Now, you arent allowed to do that. You HAVE to stay, which is B.S.
Let me get this straight, ICE supposedly let this guy back and forth over the border multiple times and now blames San Francisco? Give me a break. It's called CYA. And peeps here want a dear leader to tell us how many kids to have and take action against local governments that resist federal overreach? What does the political "right" even stand for these days? This seems like an angry lynch mob. A tragedy occurred and a brown illegal immigrant was the cause so let's throw him in a cell with a lonely 6'8" guy so "justice" is served. Check your principles at the door. We should throw the illegals that recently beat a border patrol agent to death with rocks in the same cell. Oh wait, he actually got hit by a truck.

Well... I can't say that I agree with every sentiment that's been posted here, but that's the danger of pushback. Rational thought can go out the window.

When you have decades of a dangerous border, politicians sympathizing with criminals, breadwinners losing jobs, innocents being shot, and a government more concerned with bathroom choice and job training for terrorists; you're gonna have pushback.

This is what it looks like.
I used to walk home for lunch, you were allowed to leave the school grounds. Now, you arent allowed to do that. You HAVE to stay, which is B.S.
You could carry one of these to high school for rifllery class...

You can choose to believe that the drive to "diversity" through immigration is just the effect of delusional snowflake mentality or it is being orchestrated by those with a strong motivation to avoid a repeat of history. Either way the current direction is resulting in the destruction of the European identity world wide. These 2 clips may help put it in perspective.

How can anyone possibly believe that the USA, the UK, France and the other nations involved in ganging up on Germany were the real victors in the mess we call WW2? :BangHead:
Who do you think won WW2, albeit a horribly costly war on all sides? The USSR?
I do agree that the USA ganged up (allied with other nations) to defeat Nazi Germany. You didn't mention the USSR, which was just as violent a state as Germany. We sacrificed our principles to ally with such a brutal dictatorship. In our defense, we had done no military prep for WW2. Japan had just bombed Pearl Harbor. Germany responded to Japan's attack by declaring war. We were suddenly at war on 2 fronts, Atlantic and Pacific. I think Roosevelt made such alliances because he had no other choice.
Who do you think won WW2, albeit a horribly costly war on all sides? The USSR?
I do agree that the USA ganged up (allied with other nations) to defeat Nazi Germany. You didn't mention the USSR, which was just as violent a state as Germany. We sacrificed our principles to ally with such a brutal dictatorship. In our defense, we had done no military prep for WW2. Japan had just bombed Pearl Harbor. Germany responded to Japan's attack by declaring war. We were suddenly at war on 2 fronts, Atlantic and Pacific. I think Roosevelt made such alliances because he had no other choice.
The decline of the West we see today is a direct consequence of WW2, itself caused by the outcome of WW1.
If you research as to who benefited from such a horrendous fratricidal war (White nation vs White nation, this point doesn't include Japan), then you'll know the answer. General Patton certainly put it all together once stationed in Germany, read what he had to say.
a horrendous fratricidal war
"And I shall set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight everyone against his brother; and everyone against his neighbour; and city against city and kingdom against kingdom" Isaiah 19:2-3
I can unerstand that, but no consequences at all !!
He killed a girl and... nothing..
accident or not, there is still someone dead. and you have to pay for that.

this is way worse...
negligence involves consciousness of what you are doing

That's it now for my comments since it was in my back yard and I watched the case. First, why the case went nationwide? An illegal alien, an African-American or a homeless Caucasian could have found the gun lying around. Guess which one of the three would have not made a good story for scoring political points? In fact in a private interview with the family by the Editor-in-Chief of the Chronicle the family was none too pleased with the involvement of Trump using their tragedy for his benefit.

Next, the DA's office, in their brilliant wisdom, decided to charge the guy with 1st degree murder which is any intentional murder that is willful and premeditated with malice aforethought. Well good luck with that. One, he happens to just be hanging around. Two, he stumbles across a loaded gun that was stolen from a Federal agents car which is another whole issue. Three, did he really pick up the gun, decide to point it in the direction of a bunch of people, and then pick out one to simply shoot? An illegal alien who is generally more likely to want to keep a low profile. Since the bullet did ricochet off the ground he was obviously a poor shot.

This was a manslaughter case. As to whether involuntary or voluntary I wouldn't be clear on that. Clearly there was no intent, premeditation or malice here. However, the jury could only rule on whether he was guilty of 1st degree murder which he clearly wasn't. With no other option he is declared not guilty of 1st degree murder. That is the law and the jury followed the law as presented to them. So if you want to blame someone you need to blame the DA's Office for charging him with the wrong offense or say to hell with the law fry him.
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