That was Most Unkind, Please Refrain from posting personal photos without Warning. I had to reach for my heart Medication when your Image Flashed Up. LOL
Please DON'T Take Offence I am JOKING!
I Have Refrained from Posting My Own Image out of Consideration for other Members.
I understand only too well, My Place looks like the Local Tip, I was the Only Bachelor in our Club so Guess where All the Spare Parts Cars got Pulled Apart.
Long & Perhaps Boring Rant Follows. (I'm getting into My Dotage, Forgive Me).
Just to continue on Topic, Having been a Mopar Fan for close to 60 Yrs I have learned not to Throw Anything Away.
Items that at the time of Disposal were Plentiful have since become somewhat Rare and Apparently Gold Plated from what I can See from the prices being Charged.
( I have seen Rusted out Hulks that I used to be given, now selling for A$3000)
Around Forty Years ago I was in the Wrecking Industry & had many Contacts, Whenever a Dodge was offered to another Wrecker they would usually refer it to myself.
People would arrive on my doorstep & ask if I wanted a Dodge. The most I paid was A$300 for a 68 4dr H/T with 383 & some were Free. It was in the Years following the Great Petrol Shortage Scares, so no one wanted a Fuel Guzzler even the Car Dealers. (The A$300 Car was one of the Most Dangerous I have owned, the Motor ran so Quietly I came close to putting my Hand into the Fan Blades on a Number of occasions and that is NOT an Exaggeration). Anyway My Point is that there does come a Time when we need to Thin out our Collections, But I don't know how Many Times I have Regretted parting with Something. My Advice to Club Members is to have at least One Spare if not Two before even Thinking of Parting with any Item & if offered something that Doesn't Fit your Car take it, You can Always swap with Some one Else who does have something that you need. I realise I'm a Old Waffler but I have always advised that if you own a Dodge you must own a Spare Parts Car. Keep in Mind that here in the Land of OZ "Production" Numbers ran at around 400 Sedans & 400 H/Ts per Year (up till 1972) So Spares were Always somewhat Limited in Supply and of Course RHD Components can't be sourced from the States. (Idler Arms, Pitman Arms & Lower Ball Joints All have to be Rebuilt). My Old DA used to say, the cheapest thing you can put into a car is Petrol & Having had my License for 55 Years I have come to Agree. I have owned many V8s & many Four Cylinders & many of the Little Cars have been Great Transport, But that's all they are, Little Runabouts. I hate going on a Long Drive in a "Little" Car. There is Nothing more Enjoyable than Cruising in a Big Old Dodge. Comfort, Ease & Above All Style.
Regards Tony.M
(If at Any Stage I become too Boring, Don't be Afraid to Say.)