When Does It End....

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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I know that I have had a bunch of bad luck with health and things lately. This has extended to 2 of my cousins who were riding motorcycles on a trip that was going to take them from Green Bay to Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway and they were going to visit me on the way back to Green Bay.

They didn't make it too far..... they were driving in Indiana closing in on the first day stop when they were run over by an ******* fleeing from the police for shoplifting from a Walmart. Both of my cousins motorcycles were destroyed. Both of my cousins were injured but they will both recover.

Suspect identified in Wednesday crash injuring 2 motorcyclists
So glad to hear they will recover. The guy who hit them looks like a piece of work in the article you attached.
Report says he's identified but on the run, or did they catch him in the meantime ?
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Glad they are okay/alive. You gotta hope that the prison system does "take care of" the true dumbasses in it's own special way.
The good news is that motorcycles can be replaced. You couldn't replace your cousins, so thank God they are on the mend. Hopefully that thieving bastard gets what he deserves.
Habitual criminals like this guy should be kept locked up no matter how many other jerks like him are in a cell. It gives more "daddy's" a poke at him.
What a dipshit! Obviously had no soul, I'd feel terrible if I bumped someone, let alone hit them. And that ahole just got away with that service vehicle, seconds away from the cops getting there! Public flogging is my punishment of choice. Reform is not in his vocabulary.

I hope your cousins heal quickly, and one of them is a deputy?!? Wrong person to hit.

Get well Bob.
Bob, you've been through too much crap of late.
I checked my Astrology charts and starting Oct. 01, the pendulum will start swinging the other way for you and things are definitely looking up. :thumbsup:
Glad to hear your cousins will recover from this unfortunate event. I had a friend killed 2 years ago when a woman turned left right in front of him on a highway. In his case she didn't see him, but it sounds like in your cousins case that nutcase just blatantly ran them down. It will be interesting to see whether riding will still be in their future. I hope so but everyone handles these things in a different way mentally. It can shake a person up pretty bad. I've been riding since 1970 and been fortunate enough to have avoided anything nasty. From one biker to another please pass along my best to them both for speedy recoveries.
I know that I have had a bunch of bad luck with health and things lately. This has extended to 2 of my cousins who were riding motorcycles on a trip that was going to take them from Green Bay to Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway and they were going to visit me on the way back to Green Bay.

They didn't make it too far..... they were driving in Indiana closing in on the first day stop when they were run over by an ******* fleeing from the police for shoplifting from a Walmart. Both of my cousins motorcycles were destroyed. Both of my cousins were injured but they will both recover.

Suspect identified in Wednesday crash injuring 2 motorcyclists
Damn Bob...

I am glad they will be alright.
Habitual criminals like this guy should be kept locked up no matter how many other jerks like him are in a cell. It gives more "daddy's" a poke at him.

He may be facing the 3 strike rule and spending the rest of days in prison.
What a dipshit! Obviously had no soul, I'd feel terrible if I bumped someone, let alone hit them. And that ahole just got away with that service vehicle, seconds away from the cops getting there! Public flogging is my punishment of choice. Reform is not in his vocabulary.

I hope your cousins heal quickly, and one of them is a deputy?!? Wrong person to hit.

Get well Bob.

My cousin Jerry is a Detective with the Sheyboygan County Sheriff Department.
Glad to hear your cousins will recover from this unfortunate event. I had a friend killed 2 years ago when a woman turned left right in front of him on a highway. In his case she didn't see him, but it sounds like in your cousins case that nutcase just blatantly ran them down. It will be interesting to see whether riding will still be in their future. I hope so but everyone handles these things in a different way mentally. It can shake a person up pretty bad. I've been riding since 1970 and been fortunate enough to have avoided anything nasty. From one biker to another please pass along my best to them both for speedy recoveries.

Both of my cousins said they are getting bikes again. Maybe next year we will run the Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway with my crew cab truck or the NYB.
It seems like your luck is just like mine. Take one step forward, then get knocked back two. Hang in there old pal.