WhenTF did they take away the ACC position on the Ignition switch???

I remember my Dad taking the key out of the ignition of our 59 Chevy wagon while driving!
On old GMs (65) you could remove the key in the run position as well as acc.
That's right! I forgot that.

My Dad came into work once and the company car was still running from the night before. The sales guy (probably drunk) had pulled the key and went home.
Hmmm... My 08 Ram has an 'acc' position, just like the old days.

My 12 Challenger and my wife's 11 JGC both have pushbutton start, but they will go into an "acc" mode (indicated on the dash) by pushing the button twice without your foot on the brake or clutch (having your foot on the brake or clutch starts the engine on the first push).

Truth be told, with all the electronic thigamijiggery on new cars, the standard "ignition on" is really the same as "acc" because if the engine isn't running the computer shuts off things like the fuel pump, coil voltages, etc. and just leaves the things you'd want in 'accessory' mode anyway.
Hmmm... My 08 Ram has an 'acc' position, just like the old days.

My 12 Challenger and my wife's 11 JGC both have pushbutton start, but they will go into an "acc" mode (indicated on the dash) by pushing the button twice without your foot on the brake or clutch (having your foot on the brake or clutch starts the engine on the first push).

Truth be told, with all the electronic thigamijiggery on new cars, the standard "ignition on" is really the same as "acc" because if the engine isn't running the computer shuts off things like the fuel pump, coil voltages, etc. and just leaves the things you'd want in 'accessory' mode anyway.
But you will burn out the points...

On old GMs (65) you could remove the key in the run position as well as acc.

Well, I could do that on my old Jeep XJ and on my old '73 Satellite... but only because the keys and locks were worn out so badly. :p
Taken to school by an old Teamster. :D
Off topic, how did you not end up not crippled? I had to buy a back brace to drive with. I only wear it when I have to drive on a sore back, but my trucks can't be nearly as bad as the day cabs from 70s. Any tips on spinal longevity?
Had a Cordoba with a bad ign tumbler, if you left the key in it worked fine so not to leave the car parked with key hanging in ign. I broke it off is ign. so I turned to acc many times to return to a dead battery.
I remember the "Married With Children" TV episode "Get the Dodge Outta Hell" where the car is lost in a car wash. The attendant asked Al for the keys........Al handed him a screwdriver.