Hellcat Totaled after 18 Miles

Everybody using their phone while driving think they're the one person in the world capable of such. Everyone else is an idiot.
The woman that ran a red, t-boned my 300s, was on her phone and never hit the brakes.
Thanks only to the LX's Brinks-Truck type structure i didn't end up in hospital calling an attorney.
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It makes me dizzy to see how many people get on the phone in traffic. I remember when 'car phones' were a sign of arrogance and ego. You'd see a dipshit in his BMW on that big ole phone and say "wow, he must be a complete pant load."
Now it's just "nope, just another self absorbed poop with a heartbeat that won't even need that once they invent a safer mechanism."
Regulations, no regulations. Just depressing. I just wanna take my car put to a long farm road with no traffic and out the windows and the pedal down.
Seat belts , air bags, helmets, anti lock brakes, seat belt chimes, wipers on lights on, speed limits, yield to pedestrians, traffic lights, where does it end?

Cars are smart enough now to know how many signals are in the car less than 2 it should shut off all but phone calls the texting and web surfing are terrible and every state needs to have hands free either a Bluetooth in your ear or through the car radio not this holding it in your hand on speaker phone like a teenage girl that wants everyone to hear that she is talking about her boyfriend or to him. Yes we need regs because people are stupid if your not then it is not a problem you already know that you cannot text and drive your car.
Bluetooth is horrible. You cant hear the guy on the other end of the phone, the voices coming at you while in the car are ridiculous .

not this holding it in your hand on speaker phone like a teenage girl that wants everyone to hear that she is talking about her boyfriend or to him

Isnt that the same as it coming through the radio?

Then there's the radio interruptions , they are obnoxious with that voice.

I turned the bluetooth off ..........
Bluetooth is horrible. You cant hear the guy on the other end of the phone, the voices coming at you while in the car are ridiculous .

Isnt that the same as it coming through the radio?

Then there's the radio interruptions , they are obnoxious with that voice.

I turned the bluetooth off ..........
Must be a truck problem, my wife's Jeep it is like talking to someone in the passenger seat.

No it's not the same as soon as you are holding that God damned phone in your hand your attention is divided. Same as texting

The voice interruptions are a PITA, lucky for me I am such a "nice guy" no one wants to call me.

In my big truck I'm not allowed any hand held devices, I have a fairly big headset I use and people are amazed how much noise it cancelled, window open, straight stacks and people say it's like I'm sitting in a quiet room.
Phones?? Let's not forget all that crap you have to do on your touch screen now instead of by feel on a few buttons and knobs. That has to be just as big a distraction. I despise mine. Oh, and my bluetooth works great.
No matter how you slice it, even on bluetooth you're distracted.

When I talk to my boss while hes in his Escalade, he sounds far away and in a tunnel. This is his fourth Escalade so its not the truck. Then you have the whole fading in and out and the loud interruption of people calling in.

I am on the phone 125 times a day. I pull over while in the car because the BT sucks
Phones?? Let's not forget all that crap you have to do on your touch screen now instead of by feel on a few buttons and knobs. That has to be just as big a distraction. I despise mine. Oh, and my bluetooth works great.
They need a up and down buttons to search my presets and to listen to a favorite artist.
. This is his fourth Escalade so its not the truck
I think this explains it. From a company that invested big money into a call staff that was easily replaced on every smart phone without having to talk to some dimwits on the other end. Their other big sales pitch is your car being a hot spot the exact opposite of what we are bitching about, make your car more internet friendly.
You should just get a Bluetooth headset
That's the last thing I need, a headset while driving.
And some of you guys are banning phones in cars all together.
I personally find it difficult to focus on a phone call while driving, or vise versa be it on a hand held, blue tooth or whatever the device.
That's the last thing I need, a headset while driving.
And some of you guys are banning phones in cars all together.
I personally find it difficult to focus on a phone call while driving, or vise versa be it on a hand held, blue tooth or whatever the device.

Thank You!
I've been saying that for years also. You can do everything "legal" like hands-free phones but you're still distracted! These are the people that are not reading traffic signs and make last minute lane changes, turns, panic stops etc. If they stop! These people are usually driving 10 mph below the limit swaying back and forth in their lane. Can spot em a mile away. My horn gets plenty of excersize!
Thank You!
I've been saying that for years also. You can do everything "legal" like hands-free phones but you're still distracted! These are the people that are not reading traffic signs and make last minute lane changes, turns, panic stops etc. If they stop! These people are usually driving 10 mph below the limit swaying back and forth in their lane. Can spot em a mile away. My horn gets plenty of excersize!
Some of you guys know I drive with Uber now for some extra cash. This is all done though the phone. Mine is mounted on the dash within easy reach. Because of this I always keep a safe distance behind the car in front of me. If I get a text, or call while driving I ignore it or pull to the side. I guess I am just lucky to know how to "Multi-task" some things.
Problem is that the idiots out number you by miles and are growing. If it is needed in order to protect me then I am fine with it. Besides, why would it be a problem since I would never in a million years have my phone even on in the car. Are you using yours in a moving car?

I know you disdain regulations but unfortunately they are needed because, in general, adults and children are morons when on their phones and are oblivious to anyone or anything else.

fixed :D
I am on thread all day, and on the phone a lot. I use hands free. I see people driving beside me that are talking on their phone, texting. Women doing their hair and men shaving or doing paperwork. There isn't any one thing that distracts, it's everything. The only way to protect everyone is to literally outlaw driving and have self driving cars. Risk and injury are all part of life. Wish no one would get hurt, but it is part of life
These are the people that are not reading traffic signs and make last minute lane changes, turns, panic stops etc. If they stop! These people are usually driving 10 mph below the limit swaying back and forth in their lane
GPS is causing this and more. Driving a truck I try to stay toward the right hand lanes on the big multi lane roads because I know I'm slow and I'm the way, but people need to take a lesson in how to drive with a GPS they all slow down at exit ramp waiting to see if the took the right one or come shooting off from the middle or left hand lanes because they did not notice this was their exit. These GPS units need to put other traffic on the screen because people forget there are other cars around them.
I was in the Gulf War when we were handed this giant WWII sized walkie talkie looking thing called a GPS. It took 10 minutes for the GPS to triangulate off of 3 satellites to find your current position. You could lose the satellite connection with heavy cloud cover or even bringing it inside a vehicle. Had to have it hanging out a window to work. We would key in a 8 digit military grid location to where you wanted to go and then it would tell you to head east 6 degrees or north 4 degrees. That was some pretty scary **** in the desert to trust this damn thing was taking you to where you wanted to go!!!!
I was in the Gulf War when we were handed this giant WWII sized walkie talkie looking thing called a GPS. It took 10 minutes for the GPS to triangulate off of 3 satellites to find your current position. You could lose the satellite connection with heavy cloud cover or even bringing it inside a vehicle. Had to have it hanging out a window to work. We would key in a 8 digit military grid location to where you wanted to go and then it would tell you to head east 6 degrees or north 4 degrees. That was some pretty scary **** in the desert to trust this damn thing was taking you to where you wanted to go!!!!
Thanks Bob... I am mildly interested in GPS like you used there. That had to feel a little disconcerting trusting the technology for the first time and finding out it's short comings. As an ignorant civilian, I believed in the military technologies ability to knock down a Scud or choose which button of an enemy's shirt to unbutton with the "smart bombs" used.

My only GPS experience was when it first started getting installed on the MB product I was working on. I know it wasn't super new, just the first time I ran across it. Car GPS gets interesting in that the vehicle's wheel speed sensors and steering wheel rotation sensor are used when the satellites are blocked. So working in Naples FL, I occasionally got one with an antenna issue that got enough out of calibration that it would show the car was about 15-30 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico while driving on highway 41.

Cell phone GPS doesn't use satellites at all, it triangulates off of cell towers. Which is why it doesn't care about being indoors or weather.
GPS is causing this and more. Driving a truck I try to stay toward the right hand lanes on the big multi lane roads because I know I'm slow and I'm the way, but people need to take a lesson in how to drive with a GPS they all slow down at exit ramp waiting to see if the took the right one or come shooting off from the middle or left hand lanes because they did not notice this was their exit. These GPS units need to put other traffic on the screen because people forget there are other cars around them.
I don't know how much of this you see up there, but around here I has become very common to see the cell phone mount right in the middle of the windshield creating the mother of all blind spots. It also seems to be in fashion to mount several phones/devices in an effort to force their Caviler to become "self driving". Many are clearly watching tv or youtube on at least one of them (I can see it from behind them in traffic).