Guilty Pleasures

Also clams and salt potatoes!
Ahh... Salt potatoes!

Getting to be the season for corn on the cob (roasted in the husk on the grille), salt potatoes, burgers and hot dogs!

Se post #402 for explanation of salt potatoes!
Ahh... Salt potatoes!

Getting to be the season for corn on the cob (roasted in the husk on the grille), salt potatoes, burgers and hot dogs!

Se post #402 for explanation of salt potatoes!
Now youre talkin! My 85 yr old mother and my siblings are getting for cook out, wish the wife and I could make it up,Im gonna miss gianellis hot sausage patty, ex sharp cheese and peppers and onions!
Now youre talkin! My 85 yr old mother and my siblings are getting for cook out, wish the wife and I could make it up,Im gonna miss gianellis hot sausage patty, ex sharp cheese and peppers and onions!
Yea, we do Gianelli sausage sandwiches when we have a big family picnic. Cook then all up with peppers and onions beforehand then toss them on the grill at the park. Even did turkey sausages one year and everyone raved about them.... It was then we told them it was turkey.

Good stuff!

Gianelli Sausage – Simple. Delicious. Gianelli.
Ahh... Salt potatoes!

Getting to be the season for corn on the cob (roasted in the husk on the grille), salt potatoes, burgers and hot dogs!

Se post #402 for explanation of salt potatoes!
I had roasted fresh corn on the cob as you described with orange chicken and basmati rice yesterday, in honor of my mom’s birthday yesterday (she passed this past January). Oh and one of her top hit recipes - lemon bread with vanilla bean ice cream for dessert.

(My mom had an orange and 2 lemon trees in her backyard in Ventura, California).

A Grilled dog?


Over my lifetime I've met many a people that think you have to cook hotdogs to death, "oh it has pork in it"...
Then I've met many that eat them cold 'cuz they know the meat has already been cooked at the plant.
Me? It's one of those things where you read the directions... heat water to a boil, turn stove off and toss in the dogs.
If you want to feed a large crowd leave the stove burner on warm but you don't need to cook them 'till they explode.
People down here in Floriduh freak out at that, grilled vs. heating.
I don't know if it's a generation thing or a North vs South thing, perplexes the mind.




Now as far as condiments go... I know up 'Nort, especially in the big cities and ballparks people think they need to pile on the condiments as they are *FREE* and they they are getting more for their money I guess, (Or it's just to put some excitement into a bland crummy dog IDK). Ketchup is a no no, I think there was a study done eons ago and the results concluded... that started in Chicago... lol
We had a guy on our work crew years ago from Pittsburg that would pile on the condiments with his 7/11 'Big Bite' as if he thought that completed the meal. It was funny watching him eat it, standing up of course like at the ballpark, as most of the condiments ended up on the ground. Ah fond memories, 7/11 Big Bite & Big Gulp combo on a hot Florida day.

Now lets start a debate on Rolls vs. Buns.... ha

A Grilled dog?

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Over my lifetime I've met many a people that think you have to cook hotdogs to death, "oh it has pork in it"...
Then I've met many that eat them cold 'cuz they know the meat has already been cooked at the plant.
Me? It's one of those things where you read the directions... heat water to a boil, turn stove off and toss in the dogs.
If you want to feed a large crowd leave the stove burner on warm but you don't need to cook them 'till they explode.
People down here in Floriduh freak out at that, grilled vs. heating.
I don't know if it's a generation thing or a North vs South thing, perplexes the mind.

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Now as far as condiments go... I know up 'Nort, especially in the big cities and ballparks people think they need to pile on the condiments as they are *FREE* and they they are getting more for their money I guess, (Or it's just to put some excitement into a bland crummy dog IDK). Ketchup is a no no, I think there was a study done eons ago and the results concluded... that started in Chicago... lol
We had a guy on our work crew years ago from Pittsburg that would pile on the condiments with his 7/11 'Big Bite' as if he thought that completed the meal. It was funny watching him eat it, standing up of course like at the ballpark, as most of the condiments ended up on the ground. Ah fond memories, 7/11 Big Bite & Big Gulp combo on a hot Florida day.

Now lets start a debate on Rolls vs. Buns.... ha

Boiled hot dog? Those are served to kids that are only going to eat half with the rest getting scarfed up by the dog when they drop them. You boil them because it doesn't get a frying pan dirty.

What is wrong with you?

BTW, that's not a hot dog in my pic. It's a Coney (or Snappy) . Very similar to German Weisswurst. For years, Heid's (shown in my pic) only offered mustard, their own recipe. It was served in a big crock at the end of the ordering line and applied to your hot dog or coney with a wooden paint stick. I think the health dept put a stop to that. They've always been cooked on a flat, well seasoned grille, rumored to have never been cleaned. Some of us customers are traditionalists and ignore the other offerings they now serve to make visitor's kids happy.

Those Floriduh things that you are boiling probably don't even have a true "natural" (read pig intestine) casing that snaps when you bite into them. (Hence the "snappy" name)

I will stick with my grilled coneys (my preference) and hot dogs, served on a New England style roll that is top split.

Boiled hot dogs? Sorry... I won't be doing that because I like women.
Then I've met many that eat them cold 'cuz they know the meat has already been cooked at the plant.
Here's the facts, Jack.
I worked at a meat processing plant that made nothing but hot dogs and deli meat.
A hot dog and baloney is the same meat.
The stories I could tell...
I couldn't eat a hotdog for years. You're eating beef lips, ya know.
Here's the facts, Jack.
I worked at a meat processing plant that made nothing but hot dogs and deli meat.
A hot dog and baloney is the same meat.
The stories I could tell...
I couldn't eat a hotdog for years. You're eating beef lips, ya know.
My dad worked in a packing plant and never would eat hot dogs or bologna, as he remembered what color they were before being dyed. 8^O
Wherever they are still around .... im like a kid all over again.

Actually this looks like the arcade room at Cedar Pointe amusement park (for you midwesterners around the Great Lakes) that I was going to 50 years ago. If so, Skeeball must be here too. :)

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Skeeball at Cedar Point .. havent been in a decade. Still would play if I ever found it anywhere else .. becoming shuffleboard for an oldtimer like me.

Unusual one. Flavored moonshine.


I have my vices, but drinking (in excess) is NOT one, let alone the "spririts". I think I have a genetic IN-tolerance. Anyway, my daugthers (mid thirties now) and their cousins (same age group, some a couple years older) have latched onto moonshine.

The flavored kind. Apparent the "peach", "dill pickle" (go figure) and "cherry" are crowd faves.

Dunno if good or bad tasting, BUT you can't get served at ANY of their houses UNLESS you arrive/leave in an Uber, and no matter HOW long you stay, you have a three shot glass limit of the "mountain dew".

Kinda proud of all of them for being responsible drinkers, though I think I am guilty for pushing the "shine" habit.

Guess 50 beers is ok .. they have the Uber backup policy. :poke:
Unusual one. Flavored moonshine.

View attachment 610042

I have my vices, but drinking (in excess) is NOT one, let alone the "spririts". I think I have a genetic IN-tolerance. Anyway, my daugthers (mid thirties now) and their cousins (same age group, some a couple years older) have latched onto moonshine.

The flavored kind. Apparent the "peach", "dill pickle" (go figure) and "cherry" are crowd faves.

Dunno if good or bad tasting, BUT you can't get served at ANY of their houses UNLESS you arrive/leave in an Uber, and no matter HOW long you stay, you have a three shot glass limit of the "mountain dew".

Kinda proud of all of them for being responsible drinkers, though I think I am guilty for pushing the "shine" habit.

Guess 50 beers is ok .. they have the Uber backup policy. :poke:
That stuff is quite dangerous. Although I don't drink anymore, there was a jar of that at my wedding. No one got out of hand but it did sneak up on a couple people.
Yeah man .. our kids are STILL our kids, no matter their age.

Mine turned out to have "issues" that chap my a** but I can live with tho -- electric cars, rock climbing, vote for "donkey" people, let their kids get participation trophies, dont say anything when people walk on my grass, etc. :poke:.

Seriously. I hear tho "shine DOES sneak up on people .. hits some like a brick outta the blue it seems.
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Unusual one. Flavored moonshine.

View attachment 610042

I have my vices, but drinking (in excess) is NOT one, let alone the "spririts". I think I have a genetic IN-tolerance. Anyway, my daugthers (mid thirties now) and their cousins (same age group, some a couple years older) have latched onto moonshine.

The flavored kind. Apparent the "peach", "dill pickle" (go figure) and "cherry" are crowd faves.

Dunno if good or bad tasting, BUT you can't get served at ANY of their houses UNLESS you arrive/leave in an Uber, and no matter HOW long you stay, you have a three shot glass limit of the "mountain dew".

Kinda proud of all of them for being responsible drinkers, though I think I am guilty for pushing the "shine" habit.

Guess 50 beers is ok .. they have the Uber backup policy. :poke:
I have the Blue Flame behind my bar .
youre a "bad" good man. My Christmas gift to the clan .. one 750mL bottle, per house, per year.:)

any left over, they have instructions to return to me ... I'll use as octane boosters.

I never had a drink until December 30th 2022. At a party at home a made the New Years resolution to have a shot every weekend in 2023. If I have a bar, I gotta know what this stuff tastes like. Well it all tastes like poison. After 9 doubles and a single of a variety of shots on my 26th wedding anniversary in June I found my tipping point.
No, the blue flame wasn't part of the line up. I did have it once around April, never again!
My alcohol experimental days are over. Six months in, I'm done.