What header choices are there for a 66 Fury with poly 318?


Mar 17, 2011
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Are there any? My searches havent turned up anything for this application, can anyone help? I'd REALLY like to find a shorty style header, but I'll look at anything. Thanks for any help / links.
Not to be sarcastic, but I have to ask.
How do you justify headers on a poly 318 Fury?
Sorta like bulls balls hanging off the back of a redneck pickup.
Not to be sarcastic.... " Sorta like bulls balls hanging off the back of a redneck pickup.
REALLY??? I guess "not being sarcastic" has a different meaning where I'm from.

How do you justify headers on a poly 318 Fury?
I guess I didnt realize that I had to justify something in order to ask a question on this site, must have missed that in the "rules". However, since I seem to need to "justify it" before you'll answer my question...Why does anyone put headers on anything, for a performance enhancement of course, this is something people have done for many decades, through the years its been called "hopping it up", then "hot rodding" then "warming it up" then "modifying" and on and on. :sFun_doh2:Why would putting headers on THIS car/motor be any stranger than any other? I personally have never heard of bull balls hangin from a redneck's bumper providing any sort of performance gain either, but headers are and have always been one of the first things to add when looking for power. Now that I've answered your query maybe you can answer one for me...Why would you go to the effort (although admittedly little) to click on my post to read it, then click again to type a response, then click yet again to post your response and make no effort to JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION!?!? Is it really that hard to just answer the posters question, or say nothing at all instead of making stupid remarks? Obviously not!

If anyone can offer an intelligent answer, please do.
:rolling: NO wonder new members are thin here
No kidding. Commando needs to lighten up. Wait till he sees my restomod. It'll prolly be enough to push him over the edge.
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He's already over the edge..............

Have you looked at the TTi's? They have the best systems on the market.
He's already over the edge..............

Have you looked at the TTi's? They have the best systems on the market.

Its been a while since I looked at them. I'm still fairly new to the C body world, I have been about 35 years an A body guy and mostly racing, but I will give them a look. Thanks.
C body headers are limited. Back around 85 I had hooker headers on a 400 I had in a four door 71 polara. I dont know if they still make them but again the TTi's are what guys are buying, be it A B or C body.
$656-741 for the TTi's. I would be looking for a 440 with manifolds.
You want what you want..............some of us want 78 NYB's and some of us want 4 speeds in formals...this guy wants to keep his original engine with headers :dontknow:
Yah. It "prolly" will.
How old are you, again?

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Not looking for heat with you but I'd love to join his forum & ask questions, post build photos, etc. but I don't really need to be scolded by the purist patrol.

People have different taste, believe it or not. I love Mopars as much as anyone on this forum & I plan to spend some serious cash on a unique modern build. How can you possibly hate that?
All the guys here throw the fresh meat over to me. After you've survived my sarcasm, then you've passed muster. Welcome aboard.
PS: I've gone to bat for a Bluesmobiler or two and defend a lot of demo guys. Just don't piss me off with 26" rollers. ;-)
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He doesnt, Stan is our watchdog. Make it past him and your good.

There's a lot of good natured ribbing on this board. It'll take a week or so to acclimated and then you'll be fine. Very knowledgeable and helpful people here. Stan is far from being a purist...he engineered and built the world's only 4 speed formal NY'er.