1969 Imperial progress thread

I'm not into naming the cars either but I have referred to my Imp as, wait for it.....Silver.
Nyet. I don't put female names on my cars. Kinda freaks me out a bit. It's a machine.
Same. Mine are the "Chrysler" and "The Parts Car", although my 12 year old calls them "Frankenstine" and "The Beast", and the wife calls them piles of rusty metal.
Usually me neither but when I bought the car some of my friends sayed I will probably spend more time with the car then with my girlfriend so I should name the car after her... But obviously she didn't like this idea, so I chose a different name.
Jazebelle, Victoria, miss daisy & Virgil ....... and "Fins up" for the pop up. My daily driver 96 Ram is just "the truck".
Names are for ships and boats, certain airplanes, and Bonneville Salt Flats cars.
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