hardly. i think it's a cool car. steering willl probably be lighter that you think especially with a little practice. when the brakes are done the pedal should be right on the top and will stop okay but with a little more effort. old ladys used to drive similar cars in earlier times.
Just having fun here guys. Jokes, sarcasm, humor, come on now! Hey, I love the car or I wouldn’t have bought it.
I’ve driven plenty of similarly equipped cars and trucks. The steering isn’t so much heavy as they are slow ratio. Much flailing of your arms to maneuver around tight spot. The brake pedal will have more travel because of the different mounting points that give you more leverage and require much more effort than power offerings.
Imagine driving downtown on a 90 degree day, getting caught at every light for 20 blocks in a black car with no AC, hot and sticky vinyl seats, just to have to parallel park in a space hardly big enough for a Honda. Add to that no power steering or brakes! Then there’s that extra pedal for your left leg to pump while your right arm works the (not as cool as a 4 speed ) column shift up and down countless times. Oh yeah, no right side mirror so it’s kinda hard to judge..you need to throw that right arm up on the back of the seat so you can twist around to get a better look but you need it front and center to fight the wheel and shift!
Don’t drive in town then? Head out on the highway, and crank that coveted wing glass open! You’ll be hard pressed to find a passenger vehicle that’s slower than this car in every way on todays roads.,You might get up to speed eventually but if you have to stop as fast as these new cars you’ll definitely be smelling those brakes!
I don’t think there’s a thread on this forum where someone wants to swap a slant into their V8 car while eliminating all power accessories.
For most, a LA isn’t good enough.
And if they have a big block they want to know how to get a couple hundred extra HP.
Anybody want to get rid of that 727 and swap in a cool 3 speed column shift? They shouldn’t!
Again, I love the car. I think it’s cool.
It’s mine, so I’ll poke fun at it all I want. Besides, bragging about it all the time gets boring!