1971 Plymouth Sport Fury GT Brogham & U code Super Comando

still have...will use on the 70 but keepin a eye out fer ya...may have some caps left over but will probally need rechromeing
gona see if Paul can get me a price to rechrome

some things are getting easyer to find re the net and alota hoards are comeing to light after some of the old hats pass on
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Nothing is getting easier to find. It is all a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Items like Road wheel Domes and rings are cross overs through the C body line up. Many, many guys looking for these things, unlike a Body side molding for a 72 polara with a green insert, not a lot of guys looking for these so the competition is low.

Ive been looking and buying 19 years now for 70/71 Polara stuff. For me, Ive been selective so I never accumulated too much but Ive seen whats out there. The prices are up ten fold and the quantity has gone down by almost as much
Wow that work is marching along! you are going to be able to go to Carlisle with that cr at this pace. First Prize! How come the photos are hazy?
Wow that work is marching along! you are going to be able to go to Carlisle with that cr at this pace. First Prize! How come the photos are hazy?

old phone.....still trying to drag Paul into this century...should have some high def by weekend
Buy Paul a hundred dollar camera with a couple of cards. Every time you visit switch the cards so you can upload his recent progress
Buy Paul a hundred dollar camera with a couple of cards. Every time you visit switch the cards so you can upload his recent progress

L bought him a iPad...high definition are en route....these pics are just to apease you folks and give ya somethin to look at while we wait
If Paul's not tech minded is no biggie...sooner have him proficient with my car than a comp....in the end he's sending pic via phone and using a iPad so we're slowly dragin him kicking and screaming into this century
A little photoshop brightens them up!

Critter, have you done any more thinking about the body mount bushings?

yes...Paul is going to make a set up..not shure how or with what but he said he'd handle it so have faith in him to sort it out..will enshure we have pics
Super nice work by Paul. Looks better than new!
I was just wondering Derek, was there a reason Paul painted the dual snorkel air door actuators orange? At least I have not seen any of my cars from the factory done that way.
Super nice work by Paul. Looks better than new!
I was just wondering Derek, was there a reason Paul painted the dual snorkel air door actuators orange? At least I have not seen any of my cars from the factory done that way.

hes funny that way...not oem by any means...just his way of adding a little color...the flaps inside the snorkles are the same color...
will make it easy to spot engine pics on the net :O)
if l coulda justified it and gotten away with it would painted engine and bay white to....like a clean engine bay..kinda anal that way..
engine for my 91 gmc
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Several years ago, the US/CA exchange rate was just the opposite.
WTF happened?
It's dropped 10 cents on the dollar just in the past month and a half.

It was $1US = $1.34CDN on 11/30. Yesterday it was $1.44CDN. It had been fairly stable at ~ $1.32 for several months.