1971 Plymouth Sport Fury GT Brogham & U code Super Comando

Wow, Paul is using his super deluxe royalty grade spotted fender blanket and his full body fender protectors! About the only thing missing are a few vestal virgins but maybe they are camera shy!

A car show you say, Sept 25 you say, where you didn't say? Will there be a trophy for the best GT?:p
Pretty sure he's referring to High River.
Yes, now that you mention it, that's probably it.
I see on their page, 7am to 10am registration ... why don't they ever have evening shows?
Not bad for you, it's only 25 miles. I have almost 60 mile just to get to your place. I guess it's early to bed on the 24th, or I have to get a room there so i can sleep in.
Not bad for you, it's only 25 miles. I have almost 60 mile just to get to your place. I guess it's early to bed on the 24th, or I have to get a room there so i can sleep in.
Take the wagon and a sleeping bag!!
You are welcome to stay here overnight, you can even put your car in the garage.
Critter, refresh my memory on the engine issues.

new style rear crank seal failed and leaked...went with oldschool rag.
also had 1 then 2 other valves hang up....The place Paul took heads he had expected the ole man to do them when in reality he turned them over to the son to do and he installed valve guides but never reamed them to double check to the point valves were starting to hang up....heads were redone at another facility
new style rear crank seal failed and leaked...went with oldschool rag.
also had 1 then 2 other valves hang up....The place Paul took heads he had expected the ole man to do them when in reality he turned them over to the son to do and he installed valve guides but never reamed them to double check to the point valves were starting to hang up....heads were redone at another facility
I'd be a tad miffed about the head work.
RE: Rear seal, they are always at best a 50/50 deal.
I'd be a tad miffed about the head work.
RE: Rear seal, they are always at best a 50/50 deal.
I think it's safe to say Paul was not impressed, I hear his Italian heritage showed it'self when he found out what happened.
I think it's safe to say Paul was not impressed, I hear his Italian heritage showed it'self when he found out what happened.

Gawd, did the kid do the rest of the engine work too? Hard to find any good shops anymore.
just got a phonecall....my baby...its alive ,healthy and it growls just like me....


I don't suppose you could get Paul to make a video of it running for us could ya. PLEASE!!!!!
well he made a video but couldn't get it sent of course...argh....anyway is runnin great no leaks ect...
Motor was done at same place but was done by Tom so will be okay....valve issue was also sorted out and different manufacturer was used for valves...
from what l could hear car starts right off and has a nice clean shutdown ...hopefully we'll get a vid up...
countin the days....
Its now a race between Paul and old man winter.....gonna maybe snow Sunday but be nice rest of the week. Here's hoping Paul brings sunshine with the bottled lightning on his trailer
Yes, Paul called me last night as well and played a start up over the phone. Damn, it sounds mean, can't wait to see it. His video was a couple minutes long and too big for email so I suggested he try making one short and sweet. One of us needs to set Paul up with a You Tube account for his big videos.