66 fury III 2 door hardtop needs a front end


I was going through your thread on the other board with the project car you sold. I believe it was the cuda. I couldn't imagine how long that would have taken.
'70 Challenger and yes, it was quite a project but would have been fun for me. Just didn't know when I would have gotten to it.
I feel like this car is like the movie money pit. Everyone asks me how much longer and I keep saying, "2 weeks". It was about 2 weeks 3 weeks ago.[/QUOTE] Don't feel to bad, I keep telling everybody two years, it's been four years so far. My two cents... Matte black hood AAR style. You're making great progress. Thanks for posting.
We should be fitting the hood soon. I have to figure out how get the hood lift bars back on without ripping my face apart.
Since you've chosen a 6-pak style scoop, how about a 6-pak style paint treatment?

Already a step ahead of ya. We will be doing the hood in all matte black. After talking with the guy helping me, we have found where the previous restorer used bondo instead of welding. We might end up painting the entire car.
On another note, I was cutting up a piece of the damaged hood and found a nice size mouse nest in one of the cavities. No mice were present.
Getting to this thread late. Thanks for keeping us posted. Your quality of work is impressive. Look forward to seeing the finished product.
Man, that sounds great!! Looking forward to seeing a nice smokey burnout when she's done.
I love the sound, whatever it takes to keep you going to the finish, love seeing your progress
Things are moving forward. I made a judgement call that is completely reversible if I ever want to go back to the stock setup in the future. We put two hydraulic shocks for the hood lifter instead of the stock torsion bars. Everything for the torsion bars was left in place, we welded brackets to the hood and fender for the new supports. I was very surprised that the lifters I found supported the weight of the hood. We are working on the gap for our hood and fenders at the moment. We will hopefully have that resolved this evening. We are also going to get the hole cut in the hood for the scoop tonight as well. Once all of that gets buttoned up, we just have to remount the heater box and then we are just working on getting the everything ready for paint.

Once we get the front end in primer, I do have some thinking to do. The more we go over the car, the more little things we have found. The trim holes were bondo'd instead of welded closed and the rear quarters have a different shape that stock. They seem to sweep back more. Being that it is getting into winter, once the front end is all done we have to decide if we want to tackle the rest for winter. I don't see it taking us a huge amount more compared to what we have done so far.
Sounds like it's moving along just fine! Please post as your going pictures of the scoop install and the hydraulic lift supports.
My partner in crime worked on the car a bit before I got home today. He was doing to work getting the fenders ready. I was able to get an eye on how I am going to get a couple things done. Here are the shots of the hydraulic hood lifts. You will notice we still need to weld in the brackets. We put in some bolts to hold it for measuring and we will get them welded on soon.

I purchased new trans cooler lines from inlinetube about a month ago and I just started to look at how to fit them. When the PO rear ended the truck, it pushed the current lines back into themselves and are leaking all over the place. Due to all the bends in the new lines which are 1 piece, I don't think I can work them back and forth and get them through to the front. Were the stock tranny lines 1 piece?

Putting the heater box back in looks to be fairly simple. We left the inside firewall there so we just have to use the existing holes as a template. One thing I noticed when I bought the car is that the temperature control slider doesn't seem to have much tension on it when moving it back and forth. I also don't see the little orange dial move when moving that selector as well. Is this normal or should it have some tension as well as move the little dial?

I also got the radiator lines all hooked back up. Once we get the heater box permanently mounted I want to get all the mechanical parts taken care of so it is technically a driving car.
I need to buy a new drill as my batteries are shot in mine. That has caused more delays on this project than you could imagine. I am putting the list on the final things I need to buy for the car. I need to get the little rubber bumpers that sit on the top of the fenders for the hood. Anyone know where I can grab some of those?

We have yet to cut the hood. We put it on the car to get the fender gaps straight. After a little help from a wood plank and hammer, the gap is really good. We will be pulling the hood off to measure and cut for the scoop.

Tonight I hope to have the heater box re-installed in the car. We just have to drill a couple of holes in the patches and on it goes. It is getting there.
Lots of progress tonight. Heater core is back in. I need to finish all the inside bolt up but the heavy part is done. Got the hood scoop measured out and started drilling pilot holes for the bolts. We would have cut the hole but didn't have the proper bits. I put antifreeze in the radiator as well. Tomorrow I am going to try and get my transmission lines replaced and the headlights put back on. I am starting to see the finish line.