Old Man with a Hat

Thank you Mr. C, some of the 340 goodies are hanging around for a while, the rest (non- '68-'70 stuff) will be going shortly to fund other parts of my project.Happy Birthday ! What is to become of all the 340 goodies? I see you are test fitting them on the 318...Is that the way forward for your Fury?
Happy birthday. Your maturity is well beyond your years.
today was my birthday.
Happy (belated) birthday Nick .......:bday3:
Happy birthday... One day late.
I've been following this thread for a while and must say that you are an inspiration with your "never say die" attitude..... You will go far!
Yes Stan, so far it's been good, put her schedule and mine clash some times so I kinda sucks that way, I'm a 8:30-6 kinda guy and she's a shift worker, could see how that screws things up, then there's the whole Fury thing..........I gotta get sometime in on my Green MachineSo.........
Are you REALLY dating grampa's nurse now?
Tried to get her to pose with the Fury, almost worked till I mentioned posting it here..........nuts........I think you need to post us a picture of yourself with the latest on the Fury..... And..... With gramp's nurse!