Old Man with a Hat
I have been quietly watching this thread for awhile now and I am going to put my five cents in. The car in question, in pieces with all the NOS parts was worth far more than $3500, and this is coming from me who has no love for Dodge Polaras/Monacos. The owner supposedly paid double for it and was taking a loss. I don't know and it doesn't matter, he wanted a quick sale to move on and no one in the two weeks it was for sale put up their hand at the price advertised. Which of course tells me no one at all thought the car had any real value, after all, $3500K for any classic in that condition is pretty damned cheap, especially a 440 car, coupe with buckets, console and very little rust.
I can't blame the guy for parting it, he had a personal time frame he was working to, no one bought it, it got parted. Big deal, honestly no one cared enough to step up.
I care about the cars I have a passion for but I also know many get parted for other projects and parts live on it others, fact of life.
All that aside, what really disappoints me is the polarization of people over this thread, so a couple of us are prepared to entertain anothers point of view even if we disagree with it, namely the seller. Then there are those that seem to have actual animosity toward him, why? Cos he didn't do it on a time frame that suits others? He didn't offer it in a place others found it agreeable to be in? It was his car, he could do whatever the hell he wanted with it. Hey Hollywood buys old cars up in good condition and smashes them up in movie scenes all the time. I don't ever hear anyone complain about that.
I see cars come and go all the time because I wasn't cashed up, or ready to buy or simply didn't hear about it until it was too late.Then I hear it has lost its engine or is parted etc. Even then I don't complain, but so many here are bitching about its loss when they had no intention of buying it anyway.
The seller didn't do anything wrong as far as I can see, I may dislike what he did but he didn't commit a crime, no one was defrauded, no one ended up hurt. So a nice car got lost, it's not the first and sure as hell won't be the last. I gave up long ago watching good cars get scrapped and getting upset about it. It's not worth getting all worked up over in all honesty, life is more important.
You bring up good points and valid discussion thoughts. Let me point out that I always maintain a freedom to express and since I can, I am going to express those thoughts and feelings . Since the seller destroyed a rare and desirable car of which many are passionate for, with little to no effort to sell and cried no interest in this now extra rusty carcass . I simply can have no compassion . I have to slam the guy since it was bought to flip and he got over his head .
Most of this thread was fueled by someone defending the seller as a good honest hard working guy , which really had nothing to do with anything.
I laid out a list of six or seven questions about half a thread ago to the defender and Im not certain any of those had been answered .
I have also been slandered by the defender which to me has lost all credibility .
This thread brought out true colors in some and strengthened my opinion of others .