Old Man with a Hat
Thus the thread in the Gold Members section.The rate of people making me this upset seems to be increasing.
Do what I do and let off some steam there.
Thus the thread in the Gold Members section.The rate of people making me this upset seems to be increasing.
And you said you don't hold grudges. You seem to have a problem with someone disagreeing with you it seems to me. People don't always agree. It is just a normal part of life and should not to be intepreted as an attack of some sort.
You can call this guy Lee a liar if you have to, but nothing I heard from him to me at least was misleading and he is a pro body guy that has done this work for 30 years. Dishonest body guys don't usually have 30 years of loyal customers....
he is a pro body guy that has done this work for 30 years. Dishonest body guys don't usually have 30 years of loyal customers.
The guy doesn't have a nice comfortable, rewarding life from what I could see, ...He is obviously (to me from what I see) struggling to make ends meet
The ones in his shop are "paying customers" but that usually means if they have the money this month.
Grudge? No.
I have said nothing critical of you, nor to you, since that other thread. I accepted we wouldn't see eye-to-eye sometimes, and 'forgave'. Forgiveness does not require forgetting, but it was as forgotten as could be. Until I saw you doing soemthign you criticized me for - going to/fro with people who weren't agreeing with you. But you use the Red X far more than me, so maybe you know the salient details of the fine art of disagreeing?
I never said he was a liar. The 'BS story' is a BS story because it was just a piss-poor excuse to bail, and a really cool car died because of it. And it seems he bailed on it simply because he wasn't going to make easy money - but any 'pro' knows you can't take a car down like this to paint it and expect to make money when selling. Most amateurs with far less than 30 years experience know this. He wouldn't have made any money on it if it was 100% rust-free. And you can defend him all you want about trying to sell it as a complete pile, but any 'pro' knows that strategy doesn't work on cars that aren't popular for resto.
He maybe needs to consider a new line of work while he is young enough to do so. And keep contact with him, you're gonna get a fire-sale chance to buy a disassembled 300F someday.
But you better act fast.He maybe needs to consider a new line of work while he is young enough to do so. And keep contact with him, you're gonna get a fire-sale chance to buy a disassembled 300F someday.
My interest in this site has dropped considerably now, and it sure isn't what it used to be just 7 years ago when I joined it.
And this 9 page argument is why I marked my GT as sold.
And this 9 page argument is why I marked my GT as sold.
Behr Salvage and RecyclingAnd you are only just here for 2 years…..
By the way , who bought the GT...….?….just kidding.
Be cautious of how you use BS, someone might continually say you're calling someone else a liar publicly on the internet, and then complain how you're mischaracterizing them...He tried for 2 weeks, maybe less, 1 month before Christmas which is when you have the smallest chance of selling a project like this so
Be cautious of how you use BS, someone might continually say you're calling someone else a liar publicly on the internet, and then complain how you're mischaracterizing them...
There's a very prophetic post from page 1. Approx 1 month later, that's exactly what happened.IF the car's "apart", that just makes it easier to part out. And send to the crusher, having all of the good stuff removed. It was worth more when it was still together. Looks like it just needed some cosmetic stuff and tlc, to start with. Now it's "otherwise".
OK, so you don't want to hear the insights I shared with you on how this all came about. Fine. I will keep that in mind for the future and cut my posts (...) My interest in this site has dropped considerably now, and it sure isn't what it used to be just 7 years ago when I joined it.
It's not worth getting all worked up over in all honesty, life is more important.