Kid with ballcap
Only if I can cut one of your legs off...

Only if I can cut one of your legs off...
I said it in post 12 and nothing has changed. This idiot forced all his problems and bad decision making on this car and single handedly killed it.![]()
The thing that amazes me about this 7 pages of blather, is that none of us disagrees that he made a big mistake in stripping the car and then trying to sell it in that condition - that step regrettably killed the car and his only hope of getting much out of it after doing so and it was his fault.
Everything said after the above needs to stop being said because it doesn’t change anything.
I tried to explain that he bought a 1960 300F, his dream car, when one became available at the wrong time, and found himself in big trouble for buying both. That led to the destruction of this car and I reported his reasoning and circumstances for taking the steps he did and why just as he explained them to me.
Since I went down there to try and at least recover some of the NOS parts from going to scrap potentially too, I reported what happened and what his mindset was for going the route he went down in the first place. For explaining how the events happened and how he reasoned, I get crapped on mosty by Dave for trying to pin explaining Lee's rationale and circumstances for going down the path he went down in the first place and how he would likely respond to criticism ON ME and instead called it me justifying his actions (I challenged Lee as to his rationale too). I tried to correct Dave's twisting of my efforts to report a couple times, but to no avail. He kept it up anyway and wouldn't accept it. I can only conclude Dave wants to denigrate me for some reason by saying repeatedly that I was defending him, you have to ask him why. The one who has lost credibility, in my eyes at least, is him for pulling this stunt. If you twist matters often enough, people will believe you (that is how lawyers win their cases with unsuspecting juries). And it worked because he is the most outspoken and relentless person on this site, and we all know it. He has over 38K posts on this site to this point, more than anyone else and is always present with an opinion for everything. I could respect that more if his posts were more thoughtful and accurate rather than just trying to stir up more controversy that isn't needed. I am also not the first person he has run over with his crass, misleading remarks either.
Now that's an old school saying I haven't heard in a while. Well doneYou can say whatever you like, but don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining....
When the seller assassinated the Monaco he also Did so to his own Character.
See sir, I won't take the bait.
Of course not, and you apparently don't know what character is then. It includes treating people with respect, especially the ones on this site, and not misrepresenting what they are saying. It says things about you when you do and trying to beat up anyone that disagrees with you isn't useful either.
Another amusing Steve & Dave thread... fighting like the stubborn C Body brothers they are. For a couple of guys I have a great deal of respect for and I know they have for each other... their battles are actually pretty fun to read. But a lot like real life sibling fights, the gloves are often off, and it's not so wise to get into the middle. It looks scarier than it is.I think Steve and Dave (possibly even Lee, the fella that gave up on the Monaco) would discover that they have a lot in common if they were hang out with some cold ones and BS about mopars. It's obvious you're both very passionate.
Another amusing Steve & Dave thread... fighting like the stubborn C Body brothers they are. For a couple of guys I have a great deal of respect for and I know they have for each other... their battles are actually pretty fun to read. But a lot like real life sibling fights, the gloves are often off, and it's not so wise to get into the middle. It looks scarier than it is.
The destroyer of this car probably does have many good qualities... but I still want to kick him in the goodie bag just once for the outcome he created. If he has a soul, he'll probably agree that he deserves it.
Another amusing Steve & Dave thread... fighting like the stubborn C Body brothers they are. For a couple of guys I have a great deal of respect for and I know they have for each other... their battles are actually pretty fun to read. But a lot like real life sibling fights, the gloves are often off, and it's not so wise to get into the middle. It looks scarier than it is.
The destroyer of this car probably does have many good qualities... but I still want to kick him in the goodie bag just once for the outcome he created. If he has a soul, he'll probably agree that he deserves it.
Nope, nothing.I went to take a leak. Did I miss anything?