73 Imperial "McGoldy" to join the Minnesota herd.

That "hiding spot" is just barely "Imperial Sized"! Looks good.

With the '73 "impact blocks", that makes it "parking by feel"?

Just a thought,
With the '73 "impact blocks", that makes it "parking by feel"?

Just a thought,
impact blocks removed to fit garage. that stall just allows an Imperial to sneak in and clear the door by an onion layer. But, I've got it down pretty good...lotsa practice.
If you like the bumperettes, and want to put them back on, you can remodel the garage, the really inexpensive way...
Drywall saw.jpg
If you like the bumperettes, and want to put them back on, you can remodel the garage, the really inexpensive way...
View attachment 274167

The seller of Impster had done it that way, though he wouldn´t have cleared it with just removing the bumper guards. The right stall is ``normal`` and the left has a huge recession in the back wall that is about 2´ long, 3´ wide and about 9´wide.
When a friend and I were looking at houses for him to move into, we noticed the difference in the garage length and width, back along about '83. The houses would be nicely laid out, but would have a garage that a then-current Camry would fit into, or two side by side. Others had much longer lengths and plenty of additional width on one side for a nice car workshop area. I dubbed those "Cadillac/Lincoln/Imperial size". All of them had enough driveway length to put two cars outside, easily. Made me wonder if they were aiming for customers who were so financially stretched that all they could afford was a used Camry, so that's what they sized the garage for?
