Old Man with a Hat
They weren't standard on the Bs or the Es either.You know, not that I'm looking for a brake war here, but with what-ever package options this car has, why was Chrysler so reluctant to throw in disk brakes on these cars? I'm not necessarily a super-fan of disk brakes (for these old mopars) and even if the disk brake parts dropped into my lap I'd be in no rush to put them on my car, but if they're so good why hold them back for cars like this? In 1970 even?
Were they just not seen as "must-have" back in the day like they are now?
Im gonna go out on a limb and say they were standard in 72 (?) .
Im sure by 70 they knew the advantage of disc's but even then there was a heavy duty option for drums with their tow package.
Which brings me to the video. Tom said there was no way to upgrade the two core radiator but the A35 would have upgraded the cooling system to a 26" and a clutch, no?
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