Carl's Jr. VS Hardees


Old Man with a Hat
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Detroit 'burbs
I have a friend who is always telling me "they're the same", and I'm always telling him he is full of s...stuff. Today he sent me a text message of some breakfast sandwich he bought so I had some time to kill and sent back a presentation. Thought you might enjoy it.

(And I do know it's the same parent company, the biggest difference being no Carl's Jr east of the Mississippi. But the menus are not the same and Carl's always seems a bit more premium. Kind of like a Fury and a NY'er are both C-bodies, but one is obviously more plush.)

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F&$#! Now I want a double bacon cheeseburger... :mad:

The guacamole bacon burger is the freakin' best! I go out to Phoenix as often as I can and a trip to junkyard road + a CJr is a must. I must admit Phoenix beats the crap otta Motown for fast-food and radio stations. Also sunshine. :D
Hardee's not even in same league.....not that it matters anymore...special after a roto rooter experience to the Ole viens a week ago....burgers not on the menu for awhile for me
Hardee's not even in same league.....not that it matters anymore...special after a roto rooter experience to the Ole viens a week ago....burgers not on the menu for awhile for me

Doesn't sound like Lady Luck has been on your side lately. There's a Carl's Jr in town now, BTW. They replaced the Arby's near SAIT.
Doesn't sound like Lady Luck has been on your side lately. There's a Carl's Jr in town now, BTW. They replaced the Arby's near SAIT.

She beats on me regularly....she's jealous of my keeps us both honest ....worst thing you can do is bury yer head in the sand and hope fer the best....
Best to just grab that witch and make her dance....
That sux. How are you feeling?

100% better....noticed over the last 5 years l was haveing issues walking any distance...used to b ex army ect...and would run up and down scafold no issue...
With my outa town lifestyle and eating habits caught up with me...complained and complained till l got someone to take notice....
Turns out main viens to left leg was fully blocked and right at 75% blocked thus my issues....
Got to the point l couldn't walk the 100+ yards to local corner store without stopping once or twice to rest....was like runnin a marathon where legs turn to jello
Anyway all good...can walk to store and back now without stop in mind you don't go there for junk food also got me to quit smokeing cold turkey and make the needed adjustments to my diet and exercise habits
With this being said has forced me to follow up with the heart over the next mnth re tests ect to nail down any issues before thier serrious
Ya lve been doin the dirty dance with lady luck but all she's tryin to do is slap some sense into a somewhat stubborn critter
All good go's on.....l relate this here for those that may be haveing similar issues..may help someone.......lotta of us here close in age...never say die!
I just finished downing a Big Carl, out of the wrapper just the way I like a burger.

Never had either. Amish country around here. Burger King is a Special treat because it is the next county over. But a Kid can dream...
Is Friendly's still in business up there? They were my fave. Fried on a griddle and served on grilled buttered toast.

Freindly's is still going strong all over New England. i think they are growing a little
All the fast food joints are invisible to me, except for White Castle and Krystals. I wouldn't eat any of the other stuff if it was free.
Is Friendly's still in business up there? They were my fave. Fried on a griddle and served on grilled buttered toast.

About ten years ago they closed a number of restaurants, and did a little reorganizing. I hung around the Park ave Friendly's in Worcester (now closed) in my teenage years, we were C bayers because the layout was three horse shoe shaped service bays A, B, C.
The Hardee's nearest me is in the next dang state. Bear, Delaware. LOL!
Only ate at a Carl Jrs once. It was a step up from Burger King but was a step down from Wendys. I wasn't impressed. Many of those who could choose Carl Jr could have gone to In N Out Burger instead. So why bother with Carl Jr's?
Closest Hardees to me is an hour away. But I do have a couple favorites on the menu. I like the 2/3 lb Monster Burger (a large bacon cheeseburger) and I like the Big Hot Ham and Cheese sandwich. Neither of those appear to be available at Carl Jrs. I put Hardees at maybe a little better than Wendys. But my first choice for a fast food burger on the east coast would be Five Guys, followed by Roy Rogers.