Carl's Jr. VS Hardees

I make my own on the grill.

Ground New York Strip from Wegman's @$9.99 a pound. McCormicks Montreal Steak seasoning, grilled medium rare, grilled sesame hard roll, cheese and tomato. Milwaukee dill pickle and combat potato salad on the side.
I just have a hard time stopping at a food establishment called In'n Out.

You gotta at least like the tee shirts they sell. Maybe one day they will do one with a C body.
T-Shirts - In-N-Out Burger Company Store



King Fat at FatBurger fried egg and all. Unless my ol' lady is making squealer burger patties. Then it's those.
100% better....noticed over the last 5 years l was haveing issues walking any distance...used to b ex army ect...and would run up and down scafold no issue...
With my outa town lifestyle and eating habits caught up with me...complained and complained till l got someone to take notice....
Turns out main viens to left leg was fully blocked and right at 75% blocked thus my issues....
Got to the point l couldn't walk the 100+ yards to local corner store without stopping once or twice to rest....was like runnin a marathon where legs turn to jello
Anyway all good...can walk to store and back now without stop in mind you don't go there for junk food also got me to quit smokeing cold turkey and make the needed adjustments to my diet and exercise habits
With this being said has forced me to follow up with the heart over the next mnth re tests ect to nail down any issues before thier serrious
Ya lve been doin the dirty dance with lady luck but all she's tryin to do is slap some sense into a somewhat stubborn critter
All good go's on.....l relate this here for those that may be haveing similar issues..may help someone.......lotta of us here close in age...never say die!

Critter: Very glad to hear you got yourself turned around before something a lot more serious occurred with your heart. Also, hope that with your new life style choices, from now on, you will get a complete physical once or twice per year. And while yer at it, go get that colonoscopy, if you haven't already done so. . . The worst part is that grape-flavored stuff you hafta drink the night before.
Critter: Very glad to hear you got yourself turned around before something a lot more serious occurred with your heart. Also, hope that with your new life style choices, from now on, you will get a complete physical once or twice per year. And while yer at it, go get that colonoscopy, if you haven't already done so. . . The worst part is that grape-flavored stuff you hafta drink the night before.

thanx....getting old is so much fun.....

CanCritter I am also glad you are recovering well. I myself had major surgery four years ago to stay alive, now I feel so much better, and like you all the junk food went away, too many things to stay around for. Keep it up.