Classic Car insurance

Hagerty denied because of a driver under 30 (29) and only one normal use vehicle... weird.

I suspect because the 29 yoa driver does not have a car of their own (assuming they have a drivers license), If different call them again.
I suspect because the 29 yoa driver does not have a car of their own (assuming they have a drivers license), If different call them again.

We have 2 people with licenses, one daily driver. I am the 29 year old and I turn 30 in 2 months. I am the stay at home dad and me and my wife share the daily driver, i driver her to work and then take the car back home. Thats just how we do it. I get around without a car if she really needs it but we pretty much drive everywhere together, thats why we only need one daily driver.
Well, now Hagerty took my application, and we even put an explainaition down on how the car is stored and used (because we only have one regular use vehicle) and they denied because we live in an Apartment (nvm that it has a garage, they said straight out that they dont insure classic cares stored at apartments) and we only have one regular driver. Looks like only the wealthy are entitled to such insurance. Absolutely disappointed with Hagerty, they left a voicemail and said they had some questions, then we called back and they straight out just denied.
Well, now Hagerty took my application, and we even put an explainaition down on how the car is stored and used (because we only have one regular use vehicle) and they denied because we live in an Apartment (nvm that it has a garage, they said straight out that they dont insure classic cares stored at apartments) and we only have one regular driver. Looks like only the wealthy are entitled to such insurance. Absolutely disappointed with Hagerty, they left a voicemail and said they had some questions, then we called back and they straight out just denied.

I am definitely not wealthy and have had Hagerty for quite awhile.

I've never been asked any of those questions. Like previously stated: Is the car garaged? Do you have a daily driver? What is the value of the vehicle for replacement value?

You may have unwittingly given them too much information.

You may want to try again. Call them back and start over like you've never heard of or contacted them before. See if they find you in their system, if they do, go through each point with them and clarify everything.

But don't spill too much.

The car is garaged, we have a daily driver, etc.

Not to get personal, but do you and/or your spouse have license issues?

Hope the input helps.

I'm starting my 20th year with Hagarty, and couldn't be more pleased. Like MYSINBIN said, say ONLY what is necessary to answer the questions in the shortest and most truthful and succinct manner.
I'm starting my 20th year with Hagarty, and couldn't be more pleased. Like MYSINBIN said, say ONLY what is necessary to answer the questions in the shortest and most truthful and succinct manner.

aside from the useless banter here, I follow this advice throughout life, one of my favorite quotes" Never volunteer information"
Cool, thank you guys! Im not too concerded about their rates, I think everything will be cheaper than statefarm....

Im more concerned about the driving restrictions and the eligibility with only one daily driver and 2 licensed people. I still want to be able to hop in the car and take it for a drive without being restricted to just be able to go to shows or parades, thats not "enjoying the car" in my eyes lol.
if you were to get into an accident then you were just coming from a car show or having your mechanic look at it. I been driving with historic plates and collector car insurance on 3 cars for years. pay roughly 500 bucks a year. one insured for18 one for 16 one for 15 grand. haggerty
[QUOTE="polara71, Never volunteer information"[/QUOTE]

Exactly, To much information will send up red flags. Just answer the basic questions, Daily driver policy... yes, secure storage.... yes, adult drivers over 25..... yes. Your in.

The problem I'm experiencing finding a insurance carrier that will allow me to tow my vintage camper with a stated value collector car policy. Not having much luck insuring my camper either. I'm chasing a couple leads now.
Me and my wife have no license issues, no violations, nothing. It was sort of contradicting what the lady said in her message, "we dont insure classic cars stored in an apartment, it needs to be under a cqrport or a garage" well... i choose carport. Then she also said "lack of a second daily driver car" even tho I had put in a short explaination about why we only have one daily driver and how both cars are being used. Dont know what the deal is, i wrote an email asking for a reevaluation and accomodation for the lack of 2nd daily driver and that I heared nothing but good about Hagerty and picked them instead of any of all the other insurances outthere. Thats sort of insane, we have 3 kids and once they are licensed we would need to have 5 cars just to insure 1 classic with them????
Me and my wife have no license issues, no violations, nothing. It was sort of contradicting what the lady said in her message, "we dont insure classic cars stored in an apartment, it needs to be under a cqrport or a garage" well... i choose carport. Then she also said "lack of a second daily driver car" even tho I had put in a short explaination about why we only have one daily driver and how both cars are being used. Dont know what the deal is, i wrote an email asking for a reevaluation and accomodation for the lack of 2nd daily driver and that I heared nothing but good about Hagerty and picked them instead of any of all the other insurances outthere. Thats sort of insane, we have 3 kids and once they are licensed we would need to have 5 cars just to insure 1 classic with them????

My only advice here would be to call them directly when you have time for a prolonged conversation. Give up on the emails and website. Something is getting lost in translation there.

Positive spin time:

You are proving that you are a unique person from this experience as everyone else doesn't seem to have any of these hurdles to jump.

Just keep leaning into it.

And again, don't offer up too much info: You have a daily driver, the classic is your toy, period.

Hope the input helps.

[QUOTE="Knebel, i wrote an email asking for a reevaluation and QUOTE]

You need to call and talk with a real person. Something is getting lost/confused in your communication.
The folks at Hargety are very easy to deal with in a one on one basis.
I go through a local agent now for Hagerty. Originally I didn't, but I switched agents and in conversation about the house and my daily drivers, they told me they rep'd Hagerty.

Since then they handle everything for me. No extra cost and I can "reach out and touch" a rep at my local office.

I mention that because they want ALL my business..... Home owners and all my vehicles. Perhaps finding a local rep that wants all of your business might be the way to go. Let them talk to Hagerty.
if you were to get into an accident then you were just coming from a car show or having your mechanic look at it.
That can be a slippery slope, folks.

If such a statement is untrue, and if you provide materially untrue info for the purpose of securing an insurance payout (because the car was knowingly being driven outside of what the policy is stated to be for) I'd presume you're dancing the fine line of insurance fraud. In addition, last I knew the claim paperwork must be mailed in, so that they can also nail you for mail fraud (per my insurance agent years ago, when I asked why I couldn't drop my claim info at the claims office to ensure they received it).

They may not verify such statements very deeply, but if they do, and if you've lied (i.e. no car shows going on that day, you can't provide a mechanic's bill) you might have to do some fancy footwork. And reinforcing a lie with a second one usually makes things worse, especially if you plan to ask your mechanic buddy to vouch for you (IMHO that would be very uncool).

Just consider all ramifications before using the car in a manner that you know it's not insured for.
Myou know, such thing would be hard to prove tho. You could have been on the way TO the mechanic or to the tire shop or to the gasstation or whatever, all things you could randomly do (even at 6am or midnight I guess, the gasstation... for air in tires or whatever). But my stand is that nobody should do this, that would be fraud. However, it says "pleasure driving", its always a pleasure to drive the car, no matter where to to, so in theory you could just been "pleasure driving".

Our issue is that, over the last 3 years we but verifiable under 3000miles on it and the fury has been sitting since last November and i am paying $60 a month to statefarm which only has the minimum coverage. So it is OBVIOUSLY not a daily driver but hagerty denies it. I just dont get it, once my 3 kids have a license I am supposed to have 5 cars just to have classic car insurance for 1 classic??? And why would they give me the option for a carport and quote me a higher premium than garaged but deny because of "no garage". I would gladly pay my $600 a year to them rather to statefarm because they offer better coverage, but hagerty dosent seem to want the business.
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I don't remember everything I read in this thread, so maybe you've covered this, but here's my .02 as a State Farm user.
I have a clean record, no claims in the last few years, and they have my house also. My wife and I each have a DD with them and then these below,

My 68 Fury has a 'regular' policy, full coverage, at about $200 every 6 mos. I suspend the liability portion of this coverage in the winter months when I'm not driving it (but the comprehensive coverage stays active). It is a stated-value policy (hope I used the correct term there), meaning I'll get what they say it's worth. :wideyed::(

I have their 'classic car' insurance on my 300L (also full coverage). It runs about $50-60 every 6 mos and is also a stated-value policy meaning it'll pay at ACV at time of loss. I cannot suspend this insurance, but it's so much cheaper I never worry about doing so.

I have a 'regular' policy on my 65 Fury, but comprehensive only (it is a non-drivable is a permanent project), and is about $10/year.

Last time I asked, probably 5 years ago, State Farm does not have agreed-value policies like HAgerty et al, as they are not in the collector car market.

FYI - State Farm allows different deductible amounts on collision and comprehensive coverage, so it's possible to have zero-deductible on comp and a higher amount on th other coverage (the comp portion goes up, but not much overall, it is the smaller portion of your insurance vs liability). Doing so allows you to get 100% paid on broken glass, theft, hail damage, vandalism, etc. I do this on every car I have and it has been very worthwhile in a few instances.

Hopefully some of that helps. Insurance varies based on zipcode, even within the same company, so YMMV vs my situation.
Thank you fury fan. Do you know what driving restrictions you have on statefarms classic insurance?

We have statefarm. Both cars, daily driver and the fury. Last time we spoke with statefarm they did not provide any options for the fury at all. We only have the minimum state required insurance and pay $94 a MONTH now for both cars and they wont pay **** when its total loss. We both have clean driving records and been with statefarm for about 4 years now and all they do is raise the premium (paid 85 in jan 2016 and then the dd went up $6 and the fury 2 or so.) When i saw this, i wrote a letter stating we pay this with reserve until we find another insurance. The lady then on the phone said that its because of a new law and that our agent would like to meet with us so we can figure it out. Thats nearly impossible due to work schedules ect. Idk but isnt insurance supposed to go down the longer you have it and drive without accident? I am getting really fed up with statefarm just raising the price every time instead of giving discounts for loyal and accident free customers, I have never heared of such practice before.