Critters other mistress..1970 Plymouth Fury 3

the new phonebooks the new rads here the new rads here.....woot....personaly think l gotta find better things to git excited about.....
the new phonebooks the new rads here the new rads here.....woot....personaly think l gotta find better things to git excited about.....
How about this, then

Paint used for in it so far

Welp 2 pm....late start.....Pete finally figured out where l hide so have him bugging me to now....finally got rid of him and managed to clean up garage somewhat as we were trippin over everythin......least lm stopping for food and visitors now....don't git me wrong...l still hate people :D
is 5 braces on the loop bumper that holds the grill in place...have center brace as its universal for both types of grill however the 2 on each side of my center brace will not work for the hidden grill set up
they are off bumper and in the back of the shop. when I get home tomorrow will search out

is 5 braces on the loop bumper that holds the grill in place...have center brace as its universal for both types of grill however the 2 on each side of my center brace will not work for the hidden grill set up
k...need some help....what holds on the hidden grill setup to the loop grille on a 70...havein a issue sortin this out and manuals no help either....