I have done a lot of research on this topic. Regardless of colour, most coolant is still ethylene glycol. The difference is the additives package. There are 3 basic types:
IAT (Inorganic Acid Technology): This is the green stuff that we are used to running in our old Mopars. It's actually getting difficult to find now.
OAT (Organic Acid Technology): Dexcool is an example of this. DO NOT USE in cooling systems which contain copper or brass components. The additives package does not contain corrosion inhibitors which protect copper/brass. DO NOT MIX with IAT or it will form sludge in the cooling system.
HOAT (Hybrid Organic Acid Technology): Can mix with IAT or OAT without causing sludging. HOWEVER, it may not provide adequate corrosion protection if mixed. A half-charge of one type of corrosion inhibitor and a half-charge of another type probably will not equal the protection of a full charge of either.
Modern Prestone Universal "mixes with any colour antifreeze" is a HOAT. If you're going to use it, I recommend you flush and fill ONLY with Prestone. However, my recommendation is Zerex GO-5. Available as pre-mixed from Walmart and as a concentrate from real auto parts stores.
GO-5 is a HOAT and is the same stuff that is factory fill in many modern Mopars, even though it's not the same colour. (GO-5 is a pale yellow that is unfortunately hard to see through the side of the reservoir.) It offers corrosion protection for copper/brass. I converted my '94 Cummins to this. When the coolant in my Chryslers is due to be changed, I will probably convert them over to it also.
EDIT: A tech note I found on G-05. Couldn't find anything comparable for Prestone.