Iconic 1937 Coca Cola sign being torn down.

I remember the doggie diners well. We used to go to the one next to the SF zoo.
I think it's still there. I think it's the one where the sign had fallen in a storm,but then as restored.
The mr peanut and Sherwin Williams globe still there?
I remember playing on the F-8 in the sunset. I believe it was removed becuase it had lead paint and SF is anti military.
First off Union 76 sold off the tower in 1995, when they scaled back, to Bank of America. It was a hollow tower with an elevator for repairing the clock.

Hamm's disappeared long ago in 1975 when the Hamm's Brewery shut down.

One could go on about the Emeryville Mud Flat sculptures, the Sherwin-Williams Paint the World Globe also in Emeryville, Doggie Diner heads, Mr. Peanut seen from the Central Freeway, Hills Brothers Coffee sign near the Embarcadero Building (Ferry Building to some) where my father worked from 1972-76 and you could smell the coffee roasting whether on the ground or driving off the Bay Bridge, and the F-8 Crusader among other replacements at Larson Park along Sunset Ave. in the Sunset District.
The Shasta sign is still there in San Leandro. These icons are slowly dissapearing.
There were a few local signs and vintage gas stations that I was going to park my one of my 61s at and take some pics. By the time I got there with the 61 they had been already been torn down.
I have a 60' long neon I had to stack because I couldn't fit it in my building. Big signs are a bastard
IIRC, the Mexican Coke is made using cane sugar versus corn syrup.
Welp I ain't gonna spend 6 bucks to find out. Like the big three(?) beer makers Coke & Pepsi have bought up every other soda makers so I go with the bargain 2-liters whether it be Sam's Club, Publix, Dollar Tree brand, all taste the same to me. I'll buy Coke Brand when it's on sale at 99¢ a 2-liter but not at $1.89 or some stupid buy 3 get one free deal. Fact is I was pretty much a life long Pepsi fan till they lost the naming right to the Pepsi 400 July 4th race here in Daytona Beach to Coke/CokeZero. When that happened 2-liter price went up too $1.49 with nary ever it on sale, kind of a FU to Daytona IMHO, when it did come back on sale (sales plummeted) and I bought it, my fine Pepsi palette detected that it was 'watered down' and I crossed over to Coke and the bargain brands... heh.

I have gotten some Swedish chewing gum that is made with real chicle and it is just like chewing gum was when I was a kid as all mass produced gum these days is just flavored synthetic rubber.

Night shot with the building lighting up the same color as the bromo Seltzer bottle for those of you that can remember.....
