New Member
My name is Ryan and I am 17 years old and I'm trying to get my 67 fury 3 to be a great daily driver, it's decent as of right now. The drivetrain is a junkyard 383 big block with a 727 and 8 3/4 diff running 2.76 gears buty problem is the engine when I got it it was in a 65/66 chrystler Newport 4 door with a 2bbl and i did a compression test and all cylinders were 120 psi and above except for the #7 cylinder was only 90 so i pulled it and dropped it in my fury in a weekend and it ran pretty good so I might a performer intake for it converted it to Chevy HEI ignition with cut to fit spark plug wires and new spark plug gapped to .46 I belive, also had a mid 70's 800 cfm thermolquad professionally rebuild, put headers on it and a full exhaust with an h pipe and flow masters and the problem is that it stalls after accelerating in the middle of traffic and takes a while to get started the timing mark on the harmonic balancer is no good because the timing cover is off a 78 400 due to a rookie error of mine, the engine has 15 ponds of vaccume and my dad helped me get it timed in as close a possible using the vaccume gauge it idles around 950 rpm in park and spudders out and dies after about five minutes also when I accelerate if I don't slowly ease into it from a stop is spudders for 3-6 seconds then takes off like a bat out of hell, if anyone can help please do it's my senior year and I want to drive this car safely