Kick down adjustment.


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
Done dozens of throttle and kick down linkage adjustments. Very easy but this one is not cooperating.
67 Newport 383-2/727.
Symptoms: Upshifts way too early, down shifts require it to be done manually.
Even went back to the FSM. I'm doing it like I'm supposed to.
Hardly any improvement.
What's your procedure?

Pics cuz we like them:




Please and thank you. :tiphat:
When I helped my brother build a 66 Satellite. when got to this point, we set it up like the FSM said and we seemed to have the same problem as you, he still has problems but with it but it's better. Let me remind you that this was a Frankenstein build with new and used parts from different cars, so we were doing this from scratch. About the only good advise is, you now have a baseline, however crooked it may be. I would start by lengthening the rod 2 or 3 twists in the 2nd pic and work from there. This is
one of those time wasting jobs where it's a continual fiddle fart with it and take a drive till you start getting the results you want. What sucks is, it takes longer to find out how the adjustment changed vs. the time it takes to make actually make the adjustment. I know it's not much help, but good luck.
The glare from your clean garage floor makes it hard to see but, heck, just make it longer until she likes it!
I've always set them so when the throttle is WFO, the kick down is pushed back as far as it can go. Too much throttle pressure can't hurt anything but too little can.

If it shifts too late, you can always shorten it up a little but I've never had one that needed it.

Like was said, Wide Open throttle, adjust the rod so the back of the slot just barely touches, done. Has always worked for me.

Thank you guys.
The 13th time was a charm.
I was just being too modest in my adjustments.
Never had to lengthen out the rods (stop it, perverts) this much.
It's surprising how much difference 1/2 turn can do to a adjustment like that when you get to that point.
In fact, I may have overshot the sweet spot.
Thankfully it's the setup where the slotted rod to the carb. linkage AND the threaded rod (from the bell crank to the linkage on the tranny) are easy to get to from upstairs.
Take a test drive.
Pull over, pop the hood, lengthen or shorten the slotted rod and/or the lower rod. Close hood.
Repeat 50 times... :D
In fact, I may have overshot the sweet spot.
Thankfully it's the setup where the slotted rod to the carb. linkage AND the threaded rod (from the bell crank to the linkage on the tranny) are easy to get to from upstairs.
Take a test drive.
Pull over, pop the hood, lengthen or shorten the slotted rod and/or the lower rod. Close hood.
Repeat 50 times... :D

Just like I said, you spend more time seeing how it works then you do making the adjustment.