I worked with a guy, his brother didn't work, had 7! kids, had a 2 year old Toyota SUV, got $1400/month for housing, food stamps which he sold for cash, sold weed and shoes that fell off the back of the truck. I worked 36-38 hours a week and that able bodied fellow, got more for housing than I took home each month! I learned how badly our system here in MN is that day. I'm in favor of a 6 month maximum for welfare if you are single and no kids. Single mom's a year. Someone on welfare shouldn't have a pocket full of cash while I struggled to make ends meet. I bought and sold car parts for extra cash to make things work back then. I did have fun watching my co-worker hussle his brother for a pair of shoes, he worked him on the deal.Sure they will, they will buy them a car also.
Minnesota loves to pay out, and keep paying, that's why we get do many folks for Chicago when they get cut off there. Illinois don't f around!