So.... I finished the carb and put it back in. Started it and same as before it’s still backfiring and running like ****.
I loosened the distributor enough to turn it but with enough drag to hold it. To check and adjust the timing.
Put the timing light on it and it’s flashing intermittently...... not a regular pulse.
“No”... I said.... “it can’t be! It just can’t be”.
Check the resistance on new pickup coil and.... 350 ohms....perfect!
Check the gap.... it’s a tight .008”
Nothing to do... but; pull the distributor check it, and if inop put the old pickup back in to confirm. (Btw, I’m getting going at pulling it out even hot)
Put the distributor on my bench vise and hooked the multi meter on continuity to listen for the pulse and there it was just like Morse code not a continuous buzz...
Put the old one back in (checked it; it buzzed) to move the car while I get another pickup coil. Set it to the picture I still had and turned the key. The engine fired on the first turn and as smooth as before.
F—k me!
That damned bad pickup cost me a brand new muffler.