Nose Art

P-47 Thunderbolt “Daddy Rabbit” with an impressive collection of mission symbols! P-47D-28RA 42-29262 Daddy RABBIT. This machine was flown by Captain Neil D. Stanley of 391st Fighter Squadron, 366th Fighter Group 9th Air Force in the European Theatre of Operations during the closing chapters of WWII. Looking at the mission markings:

2 – air combat kills

20 – A/C destroyed strafing

4 – tanks destroyed

5 – locomotives destroyed

8 – fighter sweeps

15 - fighter escorts (top hats)

50 – bombing missions

Still looking for rabbits...?!!

I have seen a number of these at various military bases.

A bit of Apollo era history. In the early 60's NASA needed to extend the range of the ground tracking and communications network. To this end, 8 KC-135's were modified with a 7 foot steerable dish in the nose. CAlled Apollo Range Instrumentation Aircraft (A/RIA), they provided a mobile communications link. After Apollo, they were used as Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft (also ARIA). This was the last operational one - it's sitting at the air park at the Air Force museum. It was given the moniker "Bird of Prey" - this is the nose art....
