O.K. Carlisle photos now??

IMG_1559 (1024x683).jpgIMG_1561 (1024x683).jpg He didnt have a camera for the "Daisy Dukes" ( denim cut-offs) contest, so he borrowed his sisters for this moment. He loves Carlisle for so many reasons....:love9:

IMG_1559 (1024x683).jpg

IMG_1561 (1024x683).jpg
Dave, your son is quite the photographer! I bet horses couldn't drag him away from the contest.
Thanks for the pix and I WAZ THERE. And for those that were not. At 104* and very little shade or breeze, the Hooter Contest wasn't the only reason to be in those stands!
Um, its a bikini contest or the other was a Daisy Duke contest....not a " Hooter " contest

Yes, it was hot as all hell those days. I still remember.....and now I'm sitting here waiting for snow to start.
Thanks for posting...never been to Carlisle. I'm not sure I want to go now...so many BAD wheel/tire combos on C bodies...sigh.
It starting to snow here now. We are suppose to get less than an inch tonight.
again with the snow? We had a blizzard here yesterday for three hours and nothing stuck, which is good but I've had it with the 10 degree temps
There is so much salt on the roads here that it looks like Fairbanks here. The funnny part is the total snow accumulation for the winter here is barely one inch.
I think we may have doubled you up there Bob and yet.....the salt piles are all over the roads, your right!
I'm dodging salt piles on some roads......must of been a Teamster union beer break in the salt truck. :poke:
Not Teamsters there, these are all State and County Union guys ........they dont give a damn