O.K. Carlisle photos now??

We're all immigrants, boys.

I'm not an immigrant by any stretch of the imagination or by any defintion I can find.
I know what you were trying to say but that reasoning can also be argued against in at least a hundred different ways. If there's any U.S. immigrants that is a member of this forum, feel free to jump in.

< Sent from my tablet >
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I've got Stans back on this one and like this or not Ross, that attitude is part of the problem. Close the borders and tax imports heavily and watch this country turn around.
Fourth, wholeheartedly!
The times have changed Ross.
The reason people come to our country have changed.
How we absorb immigrants have changed.
How immigrants affect the economy has changed.
U.S. resources are not limitless. Stop looking at grainy photos of Ellis Island.
Our economy is under seige by the current immigration and social welfare laws. Without a strong economy, the U.S. becomes another India. Two classes. 99.9% in poverty with no resources available to them and 0.01% wealthy with access to all the resources.
Your grandfather didn't arrive here and be greeted by someone with a handbook printed in his language showing him all the welfare entitlement they have available to them. Your grandfather was greeted by a previous immigrant who handed him a paint brush and put him to work the next morning.
For gawdsakes, how many immigrants can be absorbed into the system now vs. 100 ( I repeat: 100!!) years ago?
Buisiness encourages current immigration standards because it the best source of cheap labor available. Relying on the misery of those in other countries to pay minimum wage in a job that has 90% turnover when 50 years ago that same job was a well paid craft supporting middle America. Middle America: GONE. Destroyed. Down the toilet. I applied for a P/T job at Home Depot for a minimum wage job just to stay active but never heard from them yet I see a thousand new Hispanic faces working there every time I go there. You figure it out. I don't fit the Home Depot/Walmart/etc. "profile" of the ideal new hire. That being a mindless idiot who questions nothing. Research that. There is now a "profile" used by retailers as the standard for hiring. I remember when sales people on the floor at Sears, etc, were "lifers" with good pay and benefits. Now you go to Michaels to pick up a painting that you dropped off last week to be framed and it's not ready as scheduled. They can't even find it because the "associate" that you gave it to last week is now working at Trader Joes. The new employee acts as dumb as a tree trunk because he can! The department manager you want to complain to is 19 years old and has been there two weeks and doesn't know how to handle the problem. The store manager is in his office locked up trying to figure out how to cut even more hours because of the District Manager who's looking for his $50.000.00 bonus.

Gary: Which mind enhancing pill do you recommend?:eek:s_dancing2:Woo-hoo!!
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Well said Stan, very thoughtfull.
I pay top dollar for top skilled workers. I wouldn't let white boys work for me for free. Money has absolutely nothing to do with it.

I'll just say that I have a very different first-hand perspective on this but I wasn't really looking to enter an immigration debate. Peace & love to all human beings is all I was really trying to say.
Big difference in the last 15 yers that I saw first hand. I was working for Western Auto......not bad then, we had the assets to run the store and take care of customers. Then Sears bought Western Auto and changed the name to Parts America. They sold off all the Western Auto (corporate stores) shop equipment, gained the tire and battery sales and honored warranties. They put their Diehard brand batteries and Craftsman tools in the Parts America stores....brilliant move. They rented out the old Western Auto shops. More income coming in. After a year or two and after they squeezed every business advantage out of the stores they sold Parts America to Advance Auto Parts which started as a small venture in Virginia in 1932. They were steadily building their store count and was a family owned store until about 2005. A great place to work and again we had the resources to take care of customers. When they sold out and went to Wall Street around 2005..........**** went downhill quick. Thet didn't want to pay people for their skills....that's why you have a 19 year old at the counter asking why you have a Chevy 400 in a Chrysler NY'er. Not enough people to even answer the damn phones. Non-professionals working the commercial side and chasing commercial sales away to NAPA and Kunkel's in my area where they have skilled employee's that'll get you the right part the 1st time. District Manager's in their 20's....WTF!!! Most of DM's that I have encountered wouldn't even make a half assed Private in the Army. America is imploding from the inside!!!!

Now that I had a chance to calm down..........you do come across a few young guys that are working very hard at these stores that do care about the customer and try to get the right part the first time. Every time I go to my local AAP, the good guys will ask how this works, how's best way to do this or that, they'll have a few questions about old cars, etc. I try to help those guys all I can.
I pay top dollar for top skilled workers. I wouldn't let white boys work for me for free. Money has absolutely nothing to do with it.

I'll just say that I have a very different first-hand perspective on this but I wasn't really looking to enter an immigration debate. Peace & love to all human beings is all I was really trying to say.

To hell with ALL human beings, I'm concerned with home ..