Put the cars to bed for the winter.....

Weather here sucks.

I had my diesel gell up for the first time ever. I have driven diesels for years and have never gelled up. I usually run some additive and #2, but I bought what was labeled as #1 and just rolled with it. The cold snap hit and the truck started surging one morning. I knew what it was right away. Had a coworker bring me a new fuel filter a couple days later and got her back up and running by also treating what was in the tank. Pain in the ***.
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-30 ambient. I am thinking their blend wasn't prepared for the cold snasnap.

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I have just about emptied a propane torch just to get the truck to idle up and leave it run for two hours adding 2 gallons of diesel thaw I hate winter
We had more snow here in the last 24 hours than we've had all of last winter.
I sure hope it's a great year for snow, I bought a new sled after my last trip. Still sitting at zero miles waiting for me to get off of work.



Hey! Its 50 out in the garage... I'm freezing my *** off!! :tongueflap:

I am cold as hell though!