The SAGA Begins - '66 300 Convertible

Come on, get those old bones working! Hey where are the bikinis? I keep missing the bikinis! By the way, on a less important note than bikinis, can you post a pic of the 383 engine cast date and pad stamp date? Got me curious.

Gary: I have some pictures somewhere of the pad stamp, but I can't find them right now. I do remember the pad indicates the engine is a '66. Now that the engine is out, I'll get a few current pictures for your perusal.
I admire you, Rip. I took 2 Alieve just thinking about your bones afterwards.

Stan: Why do you think I'm so slow?!? First, I hafta wait for the Advil to take effect; then I hafta find my glasses; and then I hafta pee. . .
Stan: Why do you think I'm so slow?!? First, I hafta wait for the Advil to take effect; then I hafta find my glasses; and then I hafta pee. . .
And then you have to find your glasses again... that are on the top of your head...

I understand this...
Stan: Why do you think I'm so slow?!? First, I hafta wait for the Advil to take effect; then I hafta find my glasses; and then I hafta pee. . .

And then you have to find your glasses again... that are on the top of your head...

..... by that time I'll have forgotten what heck I was going to do in the first place!

I think I'll print the following quote and hang it in my garage, I've been putting off pulling my rad since last summer, time to start chewing on my elephant.

But just like @Big_John sez: Get a little bit done at a time, and soon the elephant has been eaten.
..... by that time I'll have forgotten what heck I was going to do in the first place!

I think I'll print the following quote and hang it in my garage, I've been putting off pulling my rad since last summer, time to start chewing on my elephant.

Its only four bolts to get the radiator out. . . Oh. . . And four more for the shroud. Its an easy four-hour job for us.
You forgot about the time needed to fish the bolts out of the pan of antifreeze.
All true, but my current problem is disconnecting the trans cooling lines. My arms aren't long enough to do it from above and my fat old body can't work underneath anymore. I can get down on floor, but getting back up again is another thing altogether. I need a hoist like Stan's!
All true, but my current problem is disconnecting the trans cooling lines. My arms aren't long enough to do it from above and my fat old body can't work underneath anymore. I can get down on floor, but getting back up again is another thing altogether. I need a hoist like Stan's!

I hear ya on that one. I jacked up the car as high as my jack stands would extend; then I slid underneath on a big sheet of cardboard. Creepers have never worked very well for me. Fortunately, there aren't too many under-the-car tasks to perform when doing an engine removal. Regardless, I'm putting a lift on my Christmas list.
How warm is it there? Looked like the shop door was open in the one pic. It will be a little while before I do anything here with the shop door open.
How warm is it there? Looked like the shop door was open in the one pic. It will be a little while before I do anything here with the shop door open.

I think that one picture was taken back in September after I picked up the just rebuilt 440 shown wrapped in plastic in that picture. There is no heat in the Garage Mahal, but sometimes I used that little propane torpedo (seen in another picture) to take off some of the chill.
Made a little progress during the last few weeks. Got the new 440 engine mounted and finished up with all the under-the-car tasks. From the top, the first major component is the A/C compressor. I naively thought the compressor from the old 383 would bolt right up. No. The bracket bolted to the back of the compressor must be different, to account for the difference in width (longer) between the heads. The bracket I have is too short by about 1 1/4 inches.

Do any of you ladies out there have a correct A/C bracket for a '66 440? I think I am stalled until I can find one.
Made a little progress during the last few weeks. Got the new 440 engine mounted and finished up with all the under-the-car tasks. From the top, the first major component is the A/C compressor. I naively thought the compressor from the old 383 would bolt right up. No. The bracket bolted to the back of the compressor must be different, to account for the difference in width (longer) between the heads. The bracket I have is too short by about 1 1/4 inches.

Do any of you ladies out there have a correct A/C bracket for a '66 440? I think I am stalled until I can find one.
I do not have what you need but man it's fine to see this thread pop up again!
Made a little progress during the last few weeks. Got the new 440 engine mounted and finished up with all the under-the-car tasks. From the top, the first major component is the A/C compressor. I naively thought the compressor from the old 383 would bolt right up. No. The bracket bolted to the back of the compressor must be different, to account for the difference in width (longer) between the heads. The bracket I have is too short by about 1 1/4 inches.

Do any of you ladies out there have a correct A/C bracket for a '66 440? I think I am stalled until I can find one.
I might, but it would be for a 70ish car. I'll bet it's the same. Let me look tomorrow.
OK... I don't have a copy of a '66 parts book. I do have a '65 though and judging by the part numbers and number of pieces, what I have isn't for a '65. I am assuming that the '65 and '66 are probably the same.
1999185 for the 383 and 2003103 for the 413.
The '70 uses the same bracket for 383/440