Thank you for sharing Carmine. I find this "train wreck" fascinating. I suppose it was likely the ammeter that was the source of the fire, not that that would be easily proved by that mess.More progress pics...
Yes, I know I should have capped the tailshaft. But I have loads of sawdust and a pressure washer, so clean up was easier that taking the yoke off or trying to concoct something that would fall-off half way through the pull as per normal.
I think whomever did the cosmetic restoration was better at body/paint than observant of good practices when modifying cars. These are the reasons folks like me would rather buy something original and broken vs. modified and functional.
An electric choke in itself is not a bad item, but when you just grab power from under the dash and wedge the wire between a sharp steel edge and a grommet, you're asking for a helluva (unfused) short. (Grommet removed in this photo for clarity.) While I don't think this wire was the source of ignition (I would expect more damage to the wire), it certainly had the potential.
There was no roll pin connecting the steering shaft to the box! That made it easier to remove; but damn!
Blower motor itself seems ok. Spun freely.
Do you hate working under the dash? Me too. However, necessary to save the booster; which was still proving power brakes when I drove it up/down my driveway.
Fuel line was just a long rubber loop over the manifolds to the fuel pump. Carb was fastened down on top of the original choke... Just crushed down with the mounting bolts! The choke removes with one bolt, WTF?!
This is why many of us prefer to keep things OEM! There is a place for mods, IF you know what your doing, not just doing what you know!
Speaking of shortcuts and hackery... I have an older friend who needs to move an old Dodge plow truck a few hundred feet into a polebarn (It's a few hundred miles from me). The underhood wiring is chopped up and he gets no spark. So I used the Monaco's engine wire harness to create a "drop in" electronic ignition hot wire kit.
For all the mystery surrounding this box, it's really just 5 wires for trouble shooting purposes. Two of those go to the distributor, one goes to power, the last two are coil +/-. Yes, you will overheat the coil if your drive around like that, but if you're just trouble shooting or need to move a wounded beast, as I did... it works.
BTW, they have shots for the tetanus thing...