Active Member
This is a shot in the dark as I'm not sure Cold Case posts here anymore, but figured I'd ask anyway.
My '68 has an Afco aluminum crossflow radiator in it already, the core is ~18x22" with 2 rows of 1" tubes. It also has a mechanical fan with clutch, but no shroud since it is a universal radiator and not meant for the C-bodies so the original shroud doesn't fit.
It runs cool at freeway speeds at all ambient temperatures, it maintains 180*F as long as the car is moving. At idle in heavy stop and go traffic it will creep up in temperature though, I've seen over 220*F if I've been idling for an extended duration after a freeway run, as an example. I assume the lack of fan shroud is hurting it, and it could also potentially use more capacity.
Would swapping it out to the Cold Case reproduction style 26" fix my idle heat issues, if I added a shroud?
I have a rather large trans cooler mounted in front of the radiator currently. I thought about just trying to replace the mechanical fan with a high flow electric but the core size on my current radiator isn't large enough to fit 2 12" fans, it could only fit a single 16" and looking at CFM ratings I don't think a single 16" is going to do any better than the mechanical fan I currently have.
Any thoughts?
My '68 has an Afco aluminum crossflow radiator in it already, the core is ~18x22" with 2 rows of 1" tubes. It also has a mechanical fan with clutch, but no shroud since it is a universal radiator and not meant for the C-bodies so the original shroud doesn't fit.
It runs cool at freeway speeds at all ambient temperatures, it maintains 180*F as long as the car is moving. At idle in heavy stop and go traffic it will creep up in temperature though, I've seen over 220*F if I've been idling for an extended duration after a freeway run, as an example. I assume the lack of fan shroud is hurting it, and it could also potentially use more capacity.
Would swapping it out to the Cold Case reproduction style 26" fix my idle heat issues, if I added a shroud?
I have a rather large trans cooler mounted in front of the radiator currently. I thought about just trying to replace the mechanical fan with a high flow electric but the core size on my current radiator isn't large enough to fit 2 12" fans, it could only fit a single 16" and looking at CFM ratings I don't think a single 16" is going to do any better than the mechanical fan I currently have.
Any thoughts?