Wyatt convinced me to destroy my 71...

It seems there's always something to do when your car is torn apart, and if you look at it too long, it's easy to add things to do to the list.
Knowing my "to-do list is getting shorter, it's a good feeling.
Some other to-do's that got checked off...
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core support2.jpg
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Yesterday was a giant leap forward when @71Polara383 came over to the shop, and we got the heater box back in the car.
Probably could've got the steering column and booster in too, but that'll be for another day as it started getting late, and the beers kinda side tracked us.:rolleyes:
heater box installation1.jpg
heater box installation2.jpg
Great progress! Wyatt's initiative is strong based on my brief experience with him. Just the guy to have help you in efforts like these. He will definitely help "get it done" with gusto. I really like that!

You are a smart guy Tim to have him help.
The 440 rebuild is coming along too, but it hasn't been worked on as much as the rest of the car as of late. @Xenon was out to shop last week and gave some hands on guidance on setting the tolerance on the main bearings to the crank with plasigage. We'll be doing the same with the rod bearings soon. Once the Total Seal rings arrive this week the rotating assembly will be finished and then onto getting the engine reassembled and dropped back into the car.
Heads with new springs.jpg
You sure have gotten a lot done in a short amount of time. Well done. Do you plan on painting the front side of your core support, will ad a little more detail to a already great job. Just a friendly reminder, cover your heads and engine block w/ 55 gal. trash bags while waiting on parts. Will keep fine debris out where you can't see it or get it out I will see this at the 4 The Annual C Body Car Show.


Hey Tim, how about a little icing for that cake you guys are baking!
I finally took down the paint booth this week and freed up some floor space, for a short while anyway.
But before it got taken down, I spent a few hours cleaning up the AC compressor taking it down to the bare metal, spraying it with primer and then black paint.

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AC comp7.jpg

I took @david hill 's advice and blacked out the front of the core support.
Core support3.jpg
A few more pics of parts that were cleaned up and prepped for paint....
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Cast paint3.jpg
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Cast paint1.jpg
The undercoating on the New Yorker was all in tact, but it needed a little help. A friend of mine suggested Iron Armor after spraying the underside of his Jeep. After seeing it, I thought that was what I needed to spruce up the bottom of the car.
Spent some time under the car with a vinyl brush and removed any loose road grime before spray went on.
Hearing how POR-15 sometimes flakes off, I went this route instead, but I will be hitting the rust prone areas with POR-15 on the inner fenders and around the rear bumper area before they go back on.

If using this undercoating, be sure to use gloves. This stuff is hard to wash off, as I learned the hard way.:BangHead:
So that open floor space I mentioned above didn't last long after I took down the paint booth. The hood will be getting its final painting soon, once the surface rust is removed and sanded down to make it more presentable than the way it looks now.
New under hood insulation and clips will be added too.
With all these parts finished, they need an engine to go onto....to be continued.
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Parts to assem3.jpg
@Dana I know my carb was in need of your skills, but this is what it looked like when I got the car.....