[1966 Fury II] 383 to 440 Engine mount question


New Member
Dec 19, 2024
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Vancouver Wa
heyo, bear with me, still unsure about forum use,

So, to get straight to the meat and potatoes, Ive got a '66 Fury II that came with a 383 2bbl, now, that engine is worse for wear and id really like to pull it, problem is i also want to drive my car, I have a '76-ish 440 i built for a truck i no longer own stashed away in my shed and was wondering how it'd mount up, if possible, now i wasnt born yesterday, i know swaps arent just drop in and plug stuff back in, and im aware that RB blocks are a tight squeeze in these cars, but im throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks

I'd just wanna put it in and enjoy it for a while as i spice up the 383

(probably the most decent pic i have of it right now as i mostly work on it at night after work haha!)

There are a few things that you have to deal with. The motor mounts from your 383 will bolt up to the 440 and drop in. Assuming there aren't any clearance issues with the firewall. That is the easy part. Due to the taller deck height the exhaust will not work and you may possibly have to get different exhaust manifolds. Also the kickdown linkage may need to be adjusted or swapped out entirely to work. Then there is possible hood clearance issues depending on the carb and intake. These are the major concerns that immediately came to me.
66 Furies came with RB engines, so I think there would not be a height issue. The exhaust manifolds might work as long as the exhaust port sizes are close in size.
If the exhaust manifolds fit, you could get a shop that does exhausts to extend the pipes to fit and keep the exhaust you have assuming they are duals.
There are a few things that you have to deal with. The motor mounts from your 383 will bolt up to the 440 and drop in. Assuming there aren't any clearance issues with the firewall. That is the easy part. Due to the taller deck height the exhaust will not work and you may possibly have to get different exhaust manifolds. Also the kickdown linkage may need to be adjusted or swapped out entirely to work. Then there is possible hood clearance issues depending on the carb and intake. These are the major concerns that immediately came to me.
yeah thats good to know,

i knew about everything else i just wanted clarification on the mounting part (im not the best fabricator)

thanks for the info!
If the exhaust manifolds fit, you could get a shop that does exhausts to extend the pipes to fit and keep the exhaust you have assuming they are duals.

yeah i was aware of the exhaust issue, ive got a shop here that could do it, i was just worried about the whole mounting setup