1970 Fury I stripper!

You will have no problem finding another Leaning Tower of Power. People are tossing them all the time for their (yawn) V8 transfers.
I haven’t given up hope on this one just yet. Hopefully it’s at least a good core.
Unless you are an oompah-loompa, when doing extensive work under the hood of a fusie, do yourself a favor and remove this safety latch. If not, you’ll be picking your medulla oblongata off of the garage floor every five minutes. I cussed Elwood Engle till grass won’t grow on his grave for this thing!

I’ve removed the hood in anticipation of taking the engine out. I always set them on a blanket on the roof. Taking the safety latch off first prevents any chances of damage to the windshield or roof.


Unless you are an oompah-loompa, when doing extensive work under the hood of a fusie, do yourself a favor and remove this safety latch. If not, you’ll be picking your medulla oblongata off of the garage floor every five minutes. I cussed Elwood Engle till grass won’t grow on his grave for this thing!

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I found mine yesterday! Glad it was a ten minute task.
This thing had plenty of antifreeze in it. Look at the impeller on the water pump. Compare that to the valve springs area. Quite a contrast although I realize that they are two separate systems. The combustion side of the head looks normal though!
This thing is just weird. I have a theory on why it’s like this but I’m holding off on saying what it is.


I’m loving this black on blue. I’ve never had a more desirable colored C-body. I’ve had some blue/blue that I liked but, this is even better IMO. Especially on this stripper. Seems like most survivors are less desirable colors. Not that this is a survivor but it’s close.


I have suspicions about this engine. Is it original? Should it be red and have a different breather? It does have a thermostatic control on the radiator that I assume was once hooked to the heat riser control. Is this a dealer installed replacement engine? Is that what this paper in the glove box means? Just weird if that’s the case. Under 20k and two engines toasted. One more thing, this car has a DOM of 5/70. Isn’t that a little late?


Very interesting. That engine seems more correct than what is in mine… should mine be red? Would it have the kind of breather mine has or have the heat riser?
That engine might just be rust colored.

Pretty sure slant sixes were blue starting in 1969. 1968 and back were red minus the early years which had silver and turquoise in the mix.
im curious about the dual power bulge hood, thought that was a sport fury option only??
I did some research and it seems the blue engines did start appearing in ‘70. Looking at the pic of the engine that 70 Sport Suburban posted of the one in the junkyard and comparing that to mine, you’ll see many differences. No heat riser, different valve cover and crankcase ventilation, and I believe that it is definitely red.

Just wondering out loud. I know all kinds of shenanigans can happen to these cars over the course of 50 years. But if both of these are 70 Models, one of them is lying!
But hey I’m not an expert. Just an enthusiast!!
