Steve, I am saying this with all respect to you, but yes, I don't think this was meant to be a political post. Perhaps you are talking about the entire forum, but I'm just talking about this thread.
It's apples and oranges. They (Fox) referenced that it was a California guy that did the damage, and they also reported that the CBS affiliate was very swift to fire him and apologize. That news article could have been about anywhere, reported by anyone. It could have been a Wisconsin reporter that damaged the cars and CNN could have reported it and it would have been the same. Now if they had not reported the consequences of his actions, that's another story.
But, I'm not defending Fox news in the least. As I said, it's all about the ad revenue and they all pander to their base.
Now... A couple guys here have said some stuff that isn't right about California, and I understand your frustration with having to defend your home state. New York State guy here... I get it. But that's their ignorance and you are correct to try to make them understand.
I just am disagreeing with you that this is a political thread... or it wasn't until now.
Steve, I agree and disagree with some of the other things that you have said about politics on this forum. That's the way it is... I still respect your opinion because it comes from someone that has thought it through and not just repeated "talking points" from the network news.
I hope you understand that I am being respectful, as I hope you are to me, and that we are just disagreeing on on the intent and content of one thread. That's all.