California reported fired after jumping on and damaging classic cars

Throuple. It is the old "menage a Trois" an intimate group of three involving one couple and an added partner. Apparently Katie Hill is going thru a divorce and her soon to be ex released a bunch of photos. This type of relationship between an elected House member and anyone one on staff is expressly prohibited under House of Representatives rules. I guess we shall see what Mrs Pelosi decides to do with it as it is her call. I would imagine this is rather embarrassing for House Dems with the impeachment inquiry going on.

Don't quote posts that have nothing to do with your argument. It makes you sound stupid.
Some of you tolerant people sure are intolerant and quickly revert to openly insulting those you don't agree with :realcrazy:, maybe I too should be lynched? :rofl:
Steve, I am saying this with all respect to you, but yes, I don't think this was meant to be a political post. Perhaps you are talking about the entire forum, but I'm just talking about this thread.

It's apples and oranges. They (Fox) referenced that it was a California guy that did the damage, and they also reported that the CBS affiliate was very swift to fire him and apologize. That news article could have been about anywhere, reported by anyone. It could have been a Wisconsin reporter that damaged the cars and CNN could have reported it and it would have been the same. Now if they had not reported the consequences of his actions, that's another story.

But, I'm not defending Fox news in the least. As I said, it's all about the ad revenue and they all pander to their base.

Now... A couple guys here have said some stuff that isn't right about California, and I understand your frustration with having to defend your home state. New York State guy here... I get it. But that's their ignorance and you are correct to try to make them understand.

I just am disagreeing with you that this is a political thread... or it wasn't until now.

Steve, I agree and disagree with some of the other things that you have said about politics on this forum. That's the way it is... I still respect your opinion because it comes from someone that has thought it through and not just repeated "talking points" from the network news.

I hope you understand that I am being respectful, as I hope you are to me, and that we are just disagreeing on on the intent and content of one thread. That's all.

Maybe we are talking past each other John. I agree that the initial post in and of itself was not intended to be political and I tried to say that twice. What made the thread political was the comments by Davea Lux and The Goose regarding Gavin Newsome, you know the guy Trump hates and therefore so do all his followers and CNN hiring this dolt. Yes, this state tackled air pollution and has won regarding automobiles (Ronald Reagan gave us the authority to set our own standards as a states rights issue in 1967 and we have been using that authority ever since) and it also set carbon monoxide/fuel economy standards that Trump and his Administrator of the EPA Andrew Wheeler want to scrap, so they are suing us - and Gavin Newsome is fighting back. It all makes headlines on Fox and other news outlets. We are trying our best to tackle climate change despite an administration that wants to do nothing and just ignore it.

In other words, if this site were about vehicles and not politics as well, then the political comments from those two probably would not have shown up. But like most other converstations that have no political intent, many of them turn into political ones because people on both sides are so worked up. That is why I really don't like politics permeating a site dedicated to the preservation of older Chrysler full size products. I see enough political junk all the time, and I, at least, would like to come to one site where the topic doesn't show up.

Yes, I do understand you are being respectful as I always have, and I always try my best to do so as well.

People are making comments calling for someone to be lynched or killed, but pointing out 'racist' remarks is more important. I see some on here have their priorities right :rofl:
You're right, I exaggerated. A ***** slap would be sufficient.
Maybe we are talking past each other John. I agree that the initial post in and of itself was not intended to be political and I tried to say that twice. What made the thread political was the comments by Davea Lux and The Goose regarding Gavin Newsome, you know the guy Trump hates and therefore so do all his followers and CNN hiring this dolt. Yes, this state tackled air pollution and has won regarding automobiles (Ronald Reagan gave us the authority to set our own standards as a states rights issue in 1967 and we have been using that authority ever since) and it also set carbon monoxide/fuel economy standards that Trump and his Administrator of the EPA Andrew Wheeler want to scrap, so they are suing us - and Gavin Newsome is fighting back. It all makes headlines on Fox and other news outlets. We are trying our best to tackle climate change despite an administration that wants to do nothing and just ignore it.

In other words, if this site were about vehicles and not politics as well, then the political comments from those two probably would not have shown up. But like most other converstations that have no political intent, many of them turn into political ones because people on both sides are so worked up. That is why I really don't like politics permeating a site dedicated to the preservation of older Chrysler full size products. I see enough political junk all the time, and I, at least, would like to come to one site where the topic doesn't show up.

Yes, I do understand you are being respectful as I always have, and I always try my best to do so as well.

We should all be mature enough to accept that other people hold differing opinions to ours without resorting to name calling and getting personal about it.
Maybe we are talking past each other John

I think that's the case.

I don't like the division of people based on politics that has happened in the past years.... and I don't mean since Trump took office... and even before Obama. All it has done is has gotten worse. People see politics in everything. I get sick of it. There's good and bad people on each side.

What I always find really funny is when the right questions are asked, people turn out to be more conservative than they think they are. On the same token, there are some that are more liberal than they think too.

BTW, my opinion of politicians is the same as it's always been... All thieves and crooks. Every single one.
I'm just glad I have a C body, metal's thick enough I can sit on it and not worry about it caving in. Now, if it were painted, I wouldn't encourage it.
Throuple. It is the old "menage a Trois" an intimate group of three involving one couple and an added partner. Apparently Katie Hill is going thru a divorce and her soon to be ex released a bunch of photos. This type of relationship between an elected House member and anyone one on staff is expressly prohibited under House of Representatives rules. I guess we shall see what Mrs Pelosi decides to do with it as it is her call. I would imagine this is rather embarrassing for House Dems with the impeachment inquiry going on.


Menage a trois refers to a sex act between three people. But I think what they mean by "throuple" is a more of a "relationship" between all three, in which menage a trois events would occur on a regular basis (in addition to three for dinner, walks in the park, movies, etc).

Kids these days...
Menage a trois refers to a sex act between three people. But I think what they mean by "throuple" is a more of a "relationship" between all three, in which menage a trois events would occur on a regular basis (in addition to three for dinner, walks in the park, movies, etc).

Kids these days...

I will take your word for that. From the nude photos on "wife share" and other sites, looks like she was a busy lady.
