Does FCBO have a mission statement?

Oh, well you'll like this.. Wretched excess burgers. now you know why I can't afford parts for the car. It goes down the hatch.

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Not that bad in price really when the local Cheney Brothers runs a special.
I had no idea Greg Norman sold beef, never seen it for sale locally.
I had no idea Greg Norman sold beef, never seen it for sale locally.

It's just a name, you know like a spokes hole so to speak. It is great beef however. Obscenely expensive though. Thank goodness I know the supplier :).
It's just a name, you know like a spokes hole so to speak. It is great beef however. Obscenely expensive though. Thank goodness I know the supplier :).
G. Norman has invested his prize monies wisely, has a finger in a lot of pies.